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Testing stuff...

François la Flamme 2001.10 Submitted as Catriona of Whitemoor, the LoI stated that the submitter preferred the spelling Catriona which she believed to be "the English version of the period Irish Name". However, documented English spellings do not contain an "o". The spelling Catriona is neither Gaelic nor English. The closest Gaelic spelling is Caitríona. The closest English spelling is Catrina. As no documentation has been provided and none could be found for the spelling Catriona, it is not registerable. [Catrina of Whitemoor10/01, A-Meridies]
Jaelle of Armida 1997.08 Submitted as Catriona Ravenbourne, this mixes English and Gaelic orthography in the same name. We have changed the given name into an attested English form [Catrina] that differs by one letter from the submitted form. (Jaelle of Armida, LoAR August 1997, p. 8)
Da'ud ibn Auda (2nd tenure, 1st year) 1994.06 As with the name Amber, discussed in the Cover Letter with the March 1994 LoAR, our prior registrations of Cedric appear to have been based on the supposition that there was an OE prototheme Ced-, which there does not appear to be, though it was a reasonable enough supposition on the basis of the evidence then available. Such supposition appears to have been superseded by further research. (As for Cedrych, (Gruffudd, 21) refers it to Ceidrych, which '[c]ould be a form of "Caradog" but is the name of a river in Carmarthenshire. (Bartrum, 149) has a Keidyrch, but no Ceidrych.) As a consequence, unless and until new research appears giving better historical support to the name, after the September 1994 Laurel meeting we will no longer register Cedric. [6/94c, p.2]