Hengest Ulfsson
Full name with preferred title here[edit | edit source]
- Pronunciation guide:
- Pronouns:
- Alternate/former/use names: Angus John MacLeod
- Armorial/Order of Precedence - https://www.calontir.org/persona/239
Persona:[edit | edit source]
- Who, what, where? This can be as simple as "12th century Scots", or a complete detailed narrative, or "I can't decide so I'm doing it all!"
Activities[edit | edit source]
- What you like to do in the SCA...
History in the SCA:[edit | edit source]
- When started in SCA:
- Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
- add something...
Groups and Affiliations:
- Current Group:
- Previous Groups:
- Guilds, Households, etc:
- Local Offices:
- Regional Offices:
- Kingdom Offices:
- SCA-wide Offices:
- Other service:
Other Information[edit | edit source]
Websites, photo-sharing, etc.
In Case of Court[edit | edit source]
eg. surprises okay, no surprises, please contact <name> ahead of time, religious considerations, escort helpful, cannot kneel, walking assistance, etc.
Artist Portfolio[edit | edit source]
Image Preview | Project Title | Recipient, notes |
Image | Project Title | Recipient, notes |
Image | Award | Recipient, notes |
The Queen's Wrath[edit | edit source]
Here's a project I've been working on for several months. Thanks to my dear friend, Holly Cochran who sent me this task. She sent me a piece of meteorite, and asked me to recapture some of the magic I brought to the sword called Crafengau. That blade was stolen many years ago, and we've all felt it's a loss. So with this mission in mind, I decided to create something different. The sword was for the King, this axe is for the Queen alone. That said I present to you...."Queen's Wrath".
The runic inscription coiled around the handle reads thusly:
"My name is Queen's Wrath! I am the mother's touch. Forged by Hengest Ulfsson, shaper of star-stuff. Tempt not my fury, fool, or you will die alone. Fore the Queens of Calontir are fierce, and will defend their own!"
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