Dorcas Whitecap

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Dorcas Whitecap with her court baronage, a gold and garnet diadem inspired by the Staffordshire hoard, and wearing a white linen dress with green linen overdress.
New Device: Per pale and per chevron gules and Or
Old Device: Vert, a dolphin haurient contourny and on a chief wavy argent, three crescents vert
Badge: Argent, in saltire a wooden needle piercing the field and a sprig of rosemary proper.
Badge: (Fieldless) A barnacle goose tree Or, leaved and fructed within and conjoined to an annulet gules.

Mistress Dorcas Whitecap[edit | edit source]

Persona:[edit | edit source]

  • Dorcas is a 7th century Anglo-Saxon from the kingdom of Mercia. The name Dorcas Whitecap is a late-period English name. See, your name doesn't have to match your persona.
  • In the SCA, I am a bard and a herald. I also embroider and knit.
  • Link to Calontir Armorial -

History in the SCA:[edit | edit source]

  • Timeline:
  • I first encountered the SCA in 1984, while living in Forgotten Sea, but it didn't "stick". I moved to Carlsby, and attended a few meetings, and tried fighting, but armor was expensive & I never developed a passion for it. In 1990 I moved to Crescent Moon, and discovered a very enthusiastic and friendly group, and that's the time I consider as my start in the Society.
  • Significant events since then:
    • Original Champion of the Bardic College, that is, holder of the Big Damn Stick, in 1999.
    • I wrote "The Compact Between Horse and Man", commonly called "the horsey song", in 2006.
    • I wrote "Sword From the Stone" and won the Northshield WW Smith's Challenge in 2006.
    • I was elevated to the Order of the Pelican in July 2009. I had one Protege: Johann Steinarsson. At the coronation of Donnegal and Catalina (January 2019), I begged the boon for him to be elevated to the Order of the Pelican. After some weather delays, he was elevated at Lilies War (June 2019).
    • I was granted Herald Extraordinary status by Saito Takauji, Gold Falcon, in April 2018.
    • I was made a Baroness of the Court of Logan II and Ylva in February 2023.
    • Link to Calontir OP -
  • Groups and Affiliations:
    • Current Group: Barony of Forgotten Sea, Canton of Aston Tor
    • Previous Groups: Carlsby, Crescent Moon
    • Guilds, Households, etc: Member of the Calontir Bardic College since 1992. Dean of the College (guild head) from 2007-2009.
  • Offices:
    • Local Offices: Shire Herald in Crescent Moon, Canton Herald in Aston Tor, Fountain Pursuivant in the Barony of Forgotten Sea.
    • Regional Offices: Harrier Herald, that is, Regional reporting deputy for the Central Region.
    • Kingdom Offices: Battleur Herald (tournament herald wrangler), Gold Falcon Herald (principal herald of the kingdom), White Hawk Herald (personal herald to TRMs Logan and Ylva), Eyas Herald (internal submissions), Saker Herald (external submissions).
    • SCA-wide Offices: n/a
    • Other service: tbd

Other Information[edit | edit source]

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

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