Yule Court Coeur d'Ennui 2014

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6 December 2014 [[File:https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10505385_10203212982025483_587343591610956201_n.jpg?oh=a27465952c8ba9454a26b0719536aeaf&oe=55007A44&gda=1425861140_a7cdb6287a55ae727a2b4872a192f33c|216x286px|right|FB]] Coeur d'Ennui Royalty: King Agamemnon and Queen Gwen.

Event Steward:


Unofficial Court Report:

  • Langreth Bacon - Torse
  • Maaline of Coeur d'Ennui - Torse
  • Elena Bengrychverch Rhys - Award of Arms
  • Rowland of Coeur d'Ennui - Award of Arms


Comments and Impressions:

  • Calontir, I want to extend my undying gratitude to you. As some of you know, I have served as an assistant to Master [[1]] as White Hawk for this reign.

> Today, as what I see as a culmination of this, I had the honor of Heralding the Royal Court of Their Majesties at Yule Court today. It was a big to-do for me, standing before the populace there assembled, and serving as a voice for Their Majesties. To say I was honored, nervous, anxious, excited, etc. does not do justice. At the very least, I am thankful. > Thankful for the chance to learn from a talented Court Herald. To see what goes into making Court happen. To actually be able to jump in, feet-first, despite being in the SCA less than a year. And thankful for such a generous and supportive Crown for opening wide the gates, and allowing me this chance. > But the grace of Their Majesties isn't the only thing I'm thankful for. I am also thankful for the support of the populace. You all have been so enthusiastic with your support, and I am glad for it. > The enthusiasm that this Kingdom has towards service makes me proud to call myself Calontiri, and prouder still to serve in these great lands. - (Tanaka Ujimori aka little Uji) >