Turkic Names in Rus

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Various Turkic speaking groups have interacted with the Eastern Slavs, Rus and Russians for centuries, nay, millenia. These interactions have left their mark in Russian words and names...

Ruzhko Tork

Problem - Ruzhko is an undated form in Wickenden 2nd edition, absent from 3rd edition.

Option 1 (best option):

Ruzh 1472, and document Ruzhko as a plausible diminutive:

  • Blazhko/Blasco
  • Bozh -> Bozhko 1420.
  • Drazhek -> Drazhko 1157
  • Drug -> Druzhko 1566
  • Rozha -> Rozhko 1539
  • Sergei -> Serezhko 1634-42
  • Strazh -> Strazhko 1147
  • Best examples in bold, need at least three to prove the pattern

Option 2

Rozhko 1545 s.n. Rozha and document o -> u shift:

  • Rossa/Russo s.n. Rus,
  • Rozh/Ruzh (separate headers, same meaning),
  • Lubota/Loubota 1222 for both.
  • Bogodor/Bohudar
  • Bogumil/Bogomil
  • Boguslav/Bogoslalik
  • Borizlaus/Burizlaus s.n. Borislav


? Ozan - bard, minstrel,

  • Wickenden has
    • Asan - Osip Dmitrievich Asan Godunov 1532;
    • Aza "strong" 13-14th cent;
    • Ozar under Azarii - Ozar Sidoronek 1594;
    • Azim - Greek or Arabic origin "prince, son of Kuchum 1601" (Kuchum = Siberian tsar);
    • Osan var. of Gasan, also Osanko, Asanchuk;
    • Osein - Kazarin Osein 1541;
    • Osenin var. of Osenev "autumn" - Vasilii Borisovich Osenin 1553;
    • Osina "aspen" Ignatoko Osina c1495, patr. form = Osinin;
    • Oshania dim. of Osip; Oshenia 1545;
    • Osonok/Osonkov - Semenets Neel Eskin syn Osonkov 1497;
    • Ozim - Ozim Iakovlev syn Voronov 1609;
    • Ozmik - Ostapko Ozmikowicz 1558;
    • Ozynei - prince, 1609.

? Ashik - ditto meaning, post-Islam

  • Wickenden has Ashikhta Danilo Fedorovich Zagriazhskii 15th c.;

Primary Chronicle:

Cross Translation p. 184 under 6603/1095 Original per http://litopys.org.ua/lavrlet/lavr11.htm
They came forth from the desert of Yathrib in the northeast. Four races of them issued forth: Torkmens, Pechenegs, Torks, and Polovcians...

Ishmael begot twelve sons, from whom are descended the Torkmens, the Pechenegs, the Torks, and the Cumans or Polovcians, who came from the desert...

Ищьли 29 Д бо суть си ѿ пустъıнѧ Нитривьскъıӕ 30 Е. межю встокомь и сѣвером̑ . ищьли же суть ихъ 31 колѣнъ . д҃ .32 Тортъмени 33. и 34Печенѣзи . Торци 35 . Половци .

Измаиль 50 роди . вı҃ . сн҃а . ѿ них же суть Тортмени 33 и 14 Печенѣзи . и 14 Торци . и 34 Кумани . рекше 51 Половци . иже исходѧть ѿ пустъıнѣ .

Wickenden 3rd ed. has Kumanits, 1302. Polovets 1586, Polovtsov 1609. (and Chobotar 1580.)

Turkic Surnames from B.O. Unbegaun, Russian Surnames, pp386-397... not much useful for Ruzhko?

Unbegaun* name source meaning Wickenden version
Akhmatov oTs* Arabic, Ahmad - The Most Laudable Akhmat - "non-Russian name", Akhmet - ditto
Adashev oTs adash - namesake, vs. dim. of Adam, etc. Adash - Turkish name meaning friend, Adash Shokhonskii c1485, also Adashko
Aksakov oTs aqsaq - lame Aksak - lame, Mikifor Aksak 1465
Arakcheev oTs araqchy - arrak-drinker, drunkard Arakchei - vodka drinker, Evstafii Arakchei 15th c.
Artsybashev oTs artsy - ?, bash - head Artshybashoev - Turkish byname of unknown meaning, Ofonia Davydov syn Artsybashev 1545
Aznacheev oTs aznachy - muezzin ?
Bakhmet'jev oTs Arabic, Bakhmet - Mohammed
Bakhtejarov oTs Persion, bahtijar - happy
Bajchurin, Bachurin oTs bajchura - rich, mighty fellow
Barsukov aTw barsuk - badger
Baskakov oTs basqaq - tax-collector
Beklemishev oTs beklemish - the expected = Russian Zhdanov
Berdiev, Berdyev, Berdjaev oTs berdi - "he has given", from bermek "to give"
Bugaev aTw bugj - ox
Buturlin oTs buturli - pock-marked/pimply face
Chaadaev, Chadaev, Chegodaev oTs Chagataj - Turkic tribal confederation named after second son of Genghis khan
Demerdzhiev rTs^ demirdzhi - blacksmith -
Gireev oTs Girej, Geraj - dynastic name of Crimean khans
Izjumov aTw izjum - raisins
Karamzin oTs qaramsy/qaramzy - blackish
Karataev Tatarized Mordvinian, Karataj from qara taj - black foal
Kaznacheev aTw kaznachej - treasurer
Kobjakov oTs Kuman, kobak - dog
Kochubej, Kochubeev oTs kuchuk bej - small lord
Lapshin aTw lapsha - noodles
Surguchyov aTw surguch - sealing-wax
Torchiev rTs torchy - gunner Tor, Torcha, Torchek, Torchilo, Torchin

*Note that Ungebaun uses the transcription system of "traditional" Western philology which uses Czech-type letters (with carots and such) which I cannot replicate easily on this wiki, so I will be representing them with the Revised English transliteration system, slightly modified. Wickenden uses the Library of Congress transliteration system.

aTw = adopted Turkic word, i. e. Russian names derived from Russian words that were originally adopted from Turkic languages

*oTs = old Tatar surnames = originated with Tatar rule in Russia from 1240-1480 as Tatars (having become thoroughly Turkicised) were absorbed in the rise and expansion of Muscovite Rus. There is a relatively low proportion of Moslem names of Arabic origin.

^rTs = recent Turkic surname = appear due to 19th century expansions of Russian rule into Turkic-speaking territories