Brummbar von Schwarzberg, RIP

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Brummbar von Schwarzberg from the Memorial Shield Project

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Calontir Legends 6 - Brummbar von Schwarzberg

In Memoriam

Per Sandy McCraw: "Uncle Crag sweetly suggested to a newly authorized Pavel that he go up to Brummbar and introduce himself and ask for a lesson. He told him it was quite the thing for newbie fighters to do. I believe Pavel forgave Craig Brown eventually."

Per Fernando: In my early days I remember people talking about fights with Bear tended to be three hits.

  1. You hit his shield.
  2. He hits you.
  3. You hit the ground.

My fav Bear story is when we helping Ellen of Redlock move. She was apologizing for not having an appliance dolly to move her fridge. Bear tipped the fridge onto one of corners, twirled it and asked “where do want it?” We all stared at him in shock. ~F.B.

For a visual memory of his short fighting career: Bear fought with as little armor as he could get away with, because no one hit him hard enough to bruise him. Really. None of us could. His approach to sword and shield fighting was what made him so tough. He was immensely strong and also massive. You weren't going to bowl him over. So he held his round shield, hung like a heater instead of a center-grip, right out in front of him, pointed right at your clavicle. You were welcome to impale yourself on his shield at any time you wanted to. His arm wasn't going to give way. This kept his opponents at bay, while he brought his very very long sword, at least 44", and some may have reached 48", so HE would be in range. He'd hit you when you were too far away to hit him. You could not close on him without impalement. You were helpless. He is the only fighter I ever saw who Ternon could not intimidate with his speed florentine. Ternon couldn't get in range any better than the rest of us. That's why Ternon was Eternal Fighter #2. Bear was #1, and William of Bellewood was #3. Ternon could intimidate Bellewood, but Larry had this karate-trained short shot, very quick to your head. ~Brocke

Bear authorized in bastard sword at a tournament. In the second round he actually knocked sparrowhawk off his feet. As the marshals gathered to give their input Moonwulf passed by Bear saying “ I think we’ll pass ya, big boy”. ~Larry

  • Expanded per Brock: That's really close, but off on a couple of details. Bear was authorizing in Polearm, at a Barony of the Flame (Louisville, KY) Xmas Tourney. At the time, Polearm was a very general classification, and it included two-bladed axes of any length. Bear's was about three feet long. He was, indeed, fighting Sparrowhawk as the "as if it were Crown" final round of the authorization. He launched a horizontal shot at Sparrowhawk's ribs. Sparrowhawk later told me that he saw the blow coming, but could not block it, so he kept in the air to avoid pain. Bear launched him - and I hope my memory is not exaggerating - into the THIRD ROW of spectators. Bear was just standing there in terror that he had hurt someone. It was Sir Polidor who said, as he patted Bear on the back, "We're going to authorize you, Big Guy." A great story. I'm glad you remembered it. (Only an idiot like me, who started compiling books on fighters as soon as I got authorized, would have paid that much attention to an authorization bout.)
  • "I attribute it [the inaccuracy] to me being a wide-eyed beginner who couldn’t tell the difference between a pole arm and a bastard sword, or between a Wulf and a Polidor. But Bear quickly got on my radar when he broke my hand at that demo." ~Larry

From the Falcon Banner:

Viscount Brummbar von Schwarzberg passed from this world May 31st, 2018

Brummbar was the first Champion of Calontir, its first Warlord, and its third Prince. Some of his squires include Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson, Duke Thoman Shadan Secarius, Sir Mihangel ap Gruffydd, and Mistress Olga Belobashnina Cherepanova

But those accolades, though well earned, are not nearly the measure of the man. Those who remember him have stories to tell, but his shadow is long and even those who did not know him have been influenced by him all these years later.

From Syr Andrew Lyon of Wolvenwood:

As a member of Three Rivers in Calontir’s pre-Principality days, I have fond memories of Brumbar. His freon-can helm, his black round-shield with rope edging, and his skill at arms which seemed heroic to us kids. In court or at feast, he was stern yet kind, never haughty, and his love for the Society was crystal clear. Believe me when I say that the spirit of Calontir is to a large part due to the quiet solidity and sense of Master Brumbar.

My most cherished memory of Brumbar is not of tourney or court or feast, however. It is of the great privilege I had of being invited to play wargames at his home. I will never forget evenings spent with Brom Blackhand, Senor Juan (Dev), and Stephen Ironhand, rolling dice while Bear refereed a game. He had hundreds of painted miniatures and medieval terrain. He loved pulling out that hidden unit of undead or orcs and seeing how we’d deal with them, or not. The glint in his eye as the lead carnage unfolded on the table was just pure joy.

Bear was a wise, humble, brilliant man with a wry wit and a sharp eye for bull. You knew that he knew what was right and what was wrong. Bear pointed the way to adulthood for me and many others. Please, Calontir, for so long as the Falcon flies, forever remember the debt owed by the Kingdom to this fine man.

From Master Andrixos Seljukroctonis:

This is the way of our lifestyle: We see our friends on weekends, and for a week or so three times a year. Unless we are in the same town, or perhaps at weddings, we rarely meet our friends’ parents. And now some of us have reached the age when our parents, and our friends’ parents, start to pass away.

It is difficult to offer words of comfort to such good friends, about the loss of their first, and most influential mentor. I often fall back on the formulaic, yet deeply felt: I knew not the father, but based on the son, I am certain he was a good, good man.

Many of the newer Sons and Daughters of the Falcon never had a chance to meet Brumbarr. Many of those from foreign Realms never had a chance to meet him. To all of those, I can only say:

This man you may judge based on the Kingdom you know.

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