Valeriano di Rossi

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It's a bird! It's a plague! It's an...Early Modern Period version of a hazmat suit??

Currently in progress of submission and approval.

Nobel Valeriano di Rossi


  • Period: Early 17th century
  • Location: The Republic of Venice, or the Veneto region of modern northeastern Italy
  • Favorite color: Red, just like the Venetian flag, and just like the etymology of my surname.
  • Occupation: Plague doctor, ominous beakmask and all. ...But remember, I'm just winging it.

Activities and Interests

  • Proper sanitation and personal/public health practices, and its history.
  • Learning the Italian language to appear more Italian-like despite my plague doctor garb...even if I would have actually been speaking the Venetian language back in the 17th century.
  • Venetian Carnevale masks, such as my iconic medico della peste mask. Masks aren't just functional; they can be fun, too!
  • Wearing accessories and trinkets related to Italian superstitions about health and well-being, for style and pops of color against my all-black garb more than anything. Un mano cornuto d'oro da sud, un malocchio azzurro dalla Turchia, e molte sciarpe colorate to protect against that colpo d'aria...
  • The Near East and Far East's historical interactions with the Republic of Venice. Without the trade routes with these partners, Venice could not have had access to their delicious, exotic spices and foodstuffs. ...Nor would they have had gotten the plague from them, either.
  • Learning Cut and Thrust techniques. Just like in the plague doctor garb, I am still masked up and covered head-to-toe in protective gear, using a long implement to interact with the dangerous world. C&T would have been a plausible form of self-defense that a northern Italian civilian could have used against those invading, plague-bringing, French and Spanish soldiers who were using northern Italy as their personal battleground in their War of Mantuan Succession.
  • Learning basic but effective modern first aid techniques to support my good gentles who are more experienced at fighting than I am.
  • Gardening and herbalism.
  • Italian food and cuisine, ideally created as a result of the aforementioned gardening and herbalism.
  • Aromatherapy, especially to cover up all those bad miasmas smells.
  • Mixology?? Historically-based, of course. Herbal ingredients combined with alcohol used to be a form of medicine back in the day...
  • Overall, in between dealing with disease and its loathsome consequences on society, I am here to make friends and have fun. :)

History in the SCA


  • When started in SCA: I first learned about the SCA's existence at the April 2, 2022 Great Plains Renaissance Festival. Most modern folk are frightened of me in my plague doctor garb and want to stay away. However, the fine gentles of Vatavia were not; they wanted to talk to me! I thought this would be a wonderful new social group and hobby to have post-plague, after dealing with disease for so long.
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.):
    • First Baronial Event: Champions, August 14, 2022
    • First Kingdom Event: Midwinter Knights Dream, December 17, 2022. Award of Arms presented by Duncan Bruce of Logan & Ylva Jonsdottir.

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Barony of Vatavia
  • Previous Groups: None.
  • Guilds, Households, etc: N/A


  • Local Offices:
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:

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