William Coeur de Boeuf, RIP

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Calontir Legends 9 - William de Couer de Boeuf

Argent's Song by Master Andrixos - "See you the road, the awful road, and think of long lost friends. We have none been there but recalled it oft, how Couer de Boeuf met his end."

When Calontir populace sings "The Old Dun Cow," it shouts "Fesselmeyer!" during the last verse and raises a cup in honor to William de Couer de Boeuf, Baron and Knight (mka Brian Fesselmeyer).

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Our first major event after we joined SCA was the first Calontir Crown Tournament - and Coeur de Boeuf was the first "brass hat" we met as the feast hall was so crowded they had brought in one more table...and Willian sat there alone (we thought he was somebody so important that no one was supposed to crowd him) - as we stood with our makeshift feast gear (rinsed-out McDonalds takeout container and 2 paper cups - we were so new, nobody told us to bring our own feast gear), looking helpless, he motioned us over and invited us to sit with him. When he found out we were newbies, he was so warm and welcoming - we relaxed, and shared good dinner conversation - after that, we were friends (and were never afraid again...until the first time we were called up in court...). We were in the courtyard waiting for the Coronation to begin when the news came about the terrible accident - people had been bustling around, happy conversations...then suddenly hushed silence - we were devastated. - Zenobia of Rebelswood

Although I had not officially joined yet I was in the SCA Dell at Renfest the morning that everyone was called together and told about the accident and deaths. I saw the grief that I could not share and decided to make myself scarce. IIRC the accident was caused by a drunk driver. I do not know what became of that person or if they even survived. For a while Calontiri were kinda touchy about drinking and driving. I was told at the time that Rosalind and Boeuff were buried in garb and Boeuff was buried in his armor. -Jenna of Southwind

The funeral was here in KC, as Boeuff had family here. Visitation was in the evening with at least one other visitation going on as well. Several folks attended in garb, at least one in full armor (I was thinking that was you Halidar?). The armored individual was standing just outside the door and apparently some of the attendees of the other visitation thought it was a statue as they really jumped when he moved. There was a lot of talk of liberating the remains and sending them down the Missouri River in a Viking funeral. - Catherine Kinsey
