Mikhail Nikolaevich Kramolnikov

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Per saltire Or and vert semy of patriarchal crosses Or, two calamaries vert and for augmentation on an escutcheon overall purpure a cross of Calatrava Or within a bordure ermine

Full name with preferred title here


  • Generally: 16th C. Moscow
  • Frequently: 10th C. Chernigov

History in the SCA:


  • 1986/87 - Shire of Mag Mor

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Mag Mor


  • Local Offices: Baron, Seneschal, Group Marshal, Pursuivant, etc.
  • Regional Offices: Marshal of the Field (Rattan/Steel - Current) (Archery - a long time ago), Regional Herald
  • Kingdom Offices: Gold Falcon
  • Other service: White Hawk (multiple times); general Voice Heraldry

Other Information

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

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