Demetrios Misthophoros, RIP

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from the Calontir Armorial

Demetrios Misthophoros[edit | edit source]

aka Demetrius il Condiottiero

Persona:[edit | edit source]

  • Byzantine
  • Arms: Argent, a triangle voided, issuant to dexter from its apex, a pennon sable.

History in the SCA:[edit | edit source]

  • When started in SCA
  • Significant events:
    • "The Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Demetrius." Demetrius was Laureled that day in his usual earth tones. June 4, 1994. (post by Maerwynn in the CalonList archives)


Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: retired to An Tir
  • Previous Groups: Vatavia/Mag Mor
  • Guilds, Households, etc:


  • Local Offices:
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:

Other Information[edit | edit source]

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

Rat out a Friend[edit | edit source]

Maerwyn: [edit | edit source]

When I met Demetrios ([Marks]) he was a kisser -- at my first events he surprised me with his generosity in that area. He was brilliant and crazy and fun and loved being a colorful Byzantine. He made liqueur with the strangest combinations you never thought you'd love (such as lilac-fennel or orange-anise). His Laurelling was the event I got my AoA. I have the site token and several of the rings Toli made for that day in a shadow box with other prized possessions. I sang my first Byzantine chants for his ceremony, and I made the craziest set of Byzantine garb you have ever seen -- using hot glue and velcro -- in his honor. I was blessed to call him apprentice brother. He taught me so much about having fun with research in the SCA, about helping others fit in, and about leading by example. Much later, he taught me that sometimes being peerlike means being honest about your failings, saying no, or admitting defeat. His gift to the scholarship of Byzantine cookery was amazing, and his ability to make anyone smile legendary. I am sad today that some of you never got to meet him. May his wordfame live forever! (Facebook, 3 June 2014)

JM:[edit | edit source]

He taught me how much fun period cooking could be. I will never forget the alien spores Mikhail and I made. (They were supposed to be a form of Pasty) Nor the look on our Master's face as he says "what did you do to them". He taught me to never again drink anything Lilac, nor to trust a Byzantine with a bag of Liqueurs. But most of all he was one of the first peers in the society to see something in me that I didn't see in my self. He will be missed. (Facebook, 3 June 2014)

Mikhail:[edit | edit source]

As my Laurel and friend, Effentes Demetrios taught me more than I can every hope to recount or repay. Though, he would have been annoyed had I attempted to do either of those. (Facebook, 3 June 2014)

Sile:[edit | edit source]

The event for his Laureling is one of the most memorable from my reign. He was a lovely man, and will be missed. (Facebook, 3 June 2014)

Kaz:[edit | edit source]

Only a small group of people will recognize this reference, but I feel it is my obligation to say it - once again for the last time.

<narrator enters from stage left> "Some time later..."<exits stage right>

which is when I will see you again, my friend(Facebook, 4 June 2014)

Andrixos:[edit | edit source]

Demetrios and the Earth Tones

==In Memoriam – Demetrios il Condottiero==
by rdeaver
Demetrios Misthophoros (aka Demetrios il Condottiero aka Dr. Henry Marks) passed away on Monday
in the Kingdom of An Tir where he had resided since his retirement.

Demetrios was a Master of the Laurel. He was one of the founders and first Guild Master of the Calontir Cooks Guild. He is probably best known for loving a good discussion and the wearing of "earth tones.".

He loved to challenge folks to do better research, to be a better person. He wanted to know the why as well as the how it was done in medieval times. He was well traveled - having been to Greece and the Galapagos Islands (just two of the places that I can remember hearing about.)

When in Calontir he lived in the Barony of Vatavia, but was claimed as a member by the Barony of Mag Mor.

Mundanely, he was a director of a treatment facility until he retired. At which time he moved to An Tir and began writing and publishing several books. His best known book (now out of print) was Byzantine Cuisine.

May his journey to the afterlife be filled with joy and bounty Kateryn de Devlin @

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