Heraldshill Event Steward Checklist

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Revision as of 09:56, 14 July 2018 by Sofya (talk | contribs)
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Event Steward Planning Checklist:

  • Site chosen? Wet/dry? Equestrian? Kitchen/Feast Hall?
  • Date set? - any important conflicts with Calontir or Northshield?
  • Site Contracts signed? Deposit paid?
  • Insurance (including Equestrian $50 with $100 penalty if less than 30 days to the event)?
    • Insurance certificate ordering instructions - [[1]]
    • About Equine Insurance certificates - [[2]]
  • Kingdom Reeve informed to put on Kingdom Calendar?
  • Kingdom Webminister informed to put on On-line Kingdom Calendar? (Can delegate to Web Minister after event on Kingdom Calendar)
  • Event Webpage started (and link forwarded to Kingdom Web Minister?)
  • Key officers identified? - Feast Steward? Fighter MIC? Archery MIC? Youth? Inns? Troll?
  • Port-a-potties - North Iowa Septic has been satisfactory. 2014 used Mick Gage Plumbing and Heating $85/65 (handicap/regular)
  • Garbage disposal plan
  • Mews/Northwatch flyers with appropriate information sent in a timely manner?

Troll times - Friday 5ish-9 pm, Saturday 9 am to 1 pm?

Court time?

To Do:


  • Event Steward:
  • Co-Autocrat:
  • Troll:
  • Site Boss:
  • Feast Steward:
  • Inn:
  • Stone Soup:
  • Hall Steward:
  • Head Server:
  • Fighting MIC:
  • Cut & Thrust MIC:
  • Archery MIC:
  • Thrown Weapons:
  • Equestrian MIC:
  • Health and Welfare:
  • A&S coordinator:
  • Merchant Coordinator:
  • Youth Activities:
  • Publications:
  • Royal Liason:

Special Equipment:

  • Crockpots, Roasters, Soup pot, etc. -
  • Coffee maker, supplies -
  • Troll supplies -
  • List field -
  • Shade fly -
  • Privy tents -
  • Hay bales -
  • Loaner armor -
  • Goose game, bean bags -