Category:Queen's Endorsement of Distinction

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As the Patroness of all gentle and courteous behavior, the Queen of Calontir may, at her own discretion, bestow upon some few individuals (not groups) The Queen's Endorsement of Distinction. This recognition may be given only thrice during any one reign and only once in each of the following categories:

(1) Unto the individual combatant or archer who has shown the highest of chivalric behavior;

(2) Unto the individual who has best exemplified gentle and courteous behavior; and

(3) Unto the individual who best exemplifies the ideals and goals of our Society.

The Queen may bestow any or all of these recognitions as desired. The Queen may bestow upon those individuals a badge of the Queen's own initials entwined with a rose, constructed as the Queen desires. The recipient may place the initials "Q.E.D." after their name and other denotations of rank, if said recipient desires. Individuals may be so honored by more than one Queen, at Her Majesty's discretion.

Link to the On-line Order of Precedence:


Tagged Members:

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Revised {$revisiondate}. Created {$creationdate}.

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