Icky Pickle

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by Mellitus of Rouncivale

Have you ever heard of the Icky Pickle? Those who have been around Calontir for a while would be familiar with this lost Calontir relic. For the newer people in our Kingdom, here is a little bit of history.

For much of the earliest days there was a laurel medallion that had been fashioned from some sort of foam rubber. It was a greenish-brown disc with a green laurel wreath painted upon it. It was strung on laniard crafted from a green garbage bag. It was grimy-looking and someone's child and/or dog had chewed on the edges.

The"honor" of wearing the Icky Pickle went to the newest laurel. Each time a new laurel was elevated, the previous custondian of the Icky Pickle would besstow it upon the new laurel at the conclusion of their elevation. The idea was that this grotesque medallion was a reminder not to take themselves too seriously.

The tradition lasted until 1999. At some point, the Icky Pickle fell out of the custodian's basket and was lost. A replacement was crafted. and in some ways the replacement was ickier than the original. It was the same type of material, but it was painted in garish green colors. For some reason, the new Icky Pickle was not the icon the original was, and the custom of passing it to the newest laurel dropped away after a few months.

Here ends the saga of the Icky Pickle. If anyone knows who started the custom of passing the pickle long, please share it.


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