Heraldshill Recipies - Iron Chef 2024

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Date: 18 May 2025

Location: Cook & Combat May-hem 2024, Deodar

Secret Ingredients: galangale & lentils

Head Chef: Anastasia da Carrara

1st Course (at table):

Fresh Salad with Orange-Galangale Vinagrette

from Platina


  • One


  • Mix

Whole-grain Flatbreads

by Sofya la Rus, from


  • 1/4 cup ground barley
  • 1/4 cup ground buckwheat
  • 1/4 cup ground lentils, used red lentils for color
  • scant 1/2 cup of buttermilk
  • 1/8+ cup of honey


  • Mix the flours together, then add the wet ingredients to get a very sticky but workable dough.
  • Make the dough into four 2-3 inch balls, then flatten into 1/2-inch thick cakes.
  • Bake on a flat, buttered pan over the fire (at about pancake frying temperature) until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes on each side.
  • Serve with orange-honey butter.

Notes: the lentil flour gives a nice moistness/tenderness to the dough and leaves very little "lentil" flavor when cooked.

Source: https://www.hurstwic.com/library/how_to/viking_bread_recipe.pdf

Orange-honey Butter Subtleties

from Platina


  • One


  • Mix

Main Course:

Catalan Mirrauste (Braised chicken in almond milk sauce with spices)

by Anastasia da Carrera, derived from the redaction by Cariadoc, substituting galangale for the ginger


  • chicken - 3 1/4 lb
  • almonds, roast, chopped fine - 3/4 c
  • breadcrumbs - 1/4 c
  • chicken broth - 1 1/2 c
  • vinegar - 1 T
  • cinnamon - 1/2 t
  • galangale, fresh - 1/2 t
  • sugar - 1 T Equipment:
  • tongs
  • Dutch oven
  • ceramic bowl
  • wooden spoon
  • mixing bowl
  • whisk
  • strainer
  • cheese cloth


  • Season and partially cook chicke (fried). Debone and cut into bite-size pieces
  • Mix chopped almonds, breadcrumbs, broth, vinegar - strain
  • Combine chicken, strained mixture, spices.
  • Cook to finish chicken and thicken broth.

Source: Mirause of Catelonia - https://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cariadoc/poultry.html#9

Barley & Lentils (was going to be noodles, but needed to use the secret ingredient)



  • One


  • Mix

Note: Even barley skeptics seem to like this.

Roasted Vegetables with Fried Lentil Crumbles

by Juliana Macnayre, from


  • Parships
  • Purple, white & orange carrots
  • balsamic vinegar to taste
  • poudre douce to taste
  • others?


  • Roast vegetables in a tangine until tender. Adjust vinegar and poudre douce.
  • Top with Lentil Crumbles

Desert Course:

Fresh Cheese

by Brigida von München, from


  • One


  • Mix

Galangale Custards with Pine Nuts

by Anastasia da Carrara, from


  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 c honey
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1/4 t nutmeg
  • 1/4 t dried, grated galangale (subst for allspice which is Stasi's usual substitute for the original pepper)
  • 2 c half & half (using cream is too rich)
  • roasted pine nuts


  • Whisk the 4 eggs, then whisk in the remaining ingredients.
  • Pour 1/2 c of mixture into small buttered baking cups, sprinkle pine nuts on top
  • Place in a water bath
  • Cover loosely with parchment paper and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes (ceramic pot = pale custard, dutch oven = browned/carmelized custard)
  • Loosen from the sides of the baking cups and turn over onto the serving dish. The pine nuts will then form a bottom "crust".


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