Taisiia Sazhina Vasiliskova

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Image from Calontir Online Armorial


  • 1st century Calontiri/15th century Florentine

Pronunciation: Key-AH-rah dee Pahx-EE-tee

History in the SCA:

Barony of Mag Mor (December 2006-); Shire of Spinning Winds (January 2005-December 2006)

Protege of Duchesse Issabell St. Charles (August 25, 2012-)


Shire Chatelaine (July 2005-April 2006)

Baronial Chronicler (August 2010-August 2012)

Kingdom List Minister (October 2014-October 2016)

Deputy Seneschal-Central Region (November 2020-)

Reeve (November 2021-)

Retinue: Hirsch and Magdalena II (July 2012-January 2013); Damien and Issabell I (July 2013-January 2014); Anton and Isabeau III (January-July 2015); Matsunaga and Elena I (January-July 2016); Logan and Ylva I (July 2016-January 2017); Ashir II and Ashland I (January-July 2017); Damien and Issabell II (July 2017-January 2018); Hirsch and Magdalena III (January 2022-)

Other Information

Chiara can be reached via e-mail. [[1]].

In Case of Court

Please contact Duchesse Issabell and Graf Volkmar Katzbalger.