Calontir Legends 9 - William de Couer de Boeuf

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His Excellency Sir William de Couer de boeuf

<Note - I do not normally use modern names in these posts, but I have decided to make an exception for this gentleman. It should be clear why I made this choice by the end of the post. Mellitus>

It was September of AS XI. A man named Bill Fesselmeyer attended the World Science Convention in Kansas City, MO. He asked one the writers, a man named Robert Bailey, if he had ever heard of the SCA. That was the start a new SCA chapter in Kansas City. Bill Fesselmeyer took the name William de Couer de boeuf, and along with his wife (Rosamund Couer de Boeuf), Geoffri and Marianne of Wariene, founded the Shire of Forgotten Sea. The was much discussion as to what the new group would be named. William. a frenchman suggested Couer de la Terre while Welsh Geoffri favored Calontir. Ultimately, Forgotten Sea was chosen. The name Calontir would be destined for greater things in the future, William was there when the Shire of the Fountains was brought into Forgotten Sea and the new larger group held its first feast on November20 AS XI. From then until now, November 20 is recognized by the folk of Forgotten Sea as the founding of their group.

William's time in Forgotten Sea would be brief. Not long after the Forgotten Sea's founding feast, William and Rosamund left Forgotten Sea to journey north and settle new lands. They drew to themselves a new group of friends and started the group known as Couer D'Ennui. William had decreed that his new home was the most boring place that he'd ever been, and this time, the name he suggested was chosen. William like puns and had been the first herald of the Forgotten Sea shire. When it came time to design a device for his new group, he crafted another pun. Six boars' heads arranged in a ring around the traditional laurel wreath of an SCA chapter, boar-ring or boring.

At this time, the area we know as Calontir was referred on maps of the Known World as the Great Western Steppes of the Middle Kingdom. William was one of the five seneschals of the Steppes chapters who petitioned King Finvarr of the Middle Kingdom to recognize their area as a region, the Region of Calontir. William was already the founder of two SCA chapters, a distinction that not many people in Calontir would hold. He was awarded arms in the Society by King Merowald II and Queen Kirsten of the Midrealm on December 17, AS XIII.

Lord William donned armor just after joining the Society. He had earned a reputation throughout the Region of Prowess. On April 21, AS XV in the first court of Warlord Brummbar I, William was a Fyrdman of the Iren-Fyrd. Such was Lord William's renown as fighter, on the day Calontir became a Principality, Prince Ternon and Princess Ghleanna called Lord William into their Court and bestowed upon him the Sword of Calontir. The Sword of Calontir is given for valor on the battlefield, and Lord William de Couer de boeuf and Lord William of Bellwood were the first two individuals to be given this recognition.

Lord William had been working for his local group and for Calontir from the day he joined the Society. He had already been part of the founding of two groups, one of which was already a Barony. In recognition of this service, Prince Ternon and Princess Ghleanna awarded him the Order of the Torse on November 14 AS XVI. His work in Calontir's north would soon show great harvest. The second group William had founded, the Shire of Couer d'Ennui, would soon be made a Barony. On July 10 AS XVII, King Tallymar II and Queen Eislinn ordered that Prince Humpk and Princess Mammara call Lord William and Lady Rosamund into Court and invest them as Founding Baron and Baroness of Couer D'Ennui, Calontir's fourth Barony. Those who have a Barony in fief from the Crown will tell you that the work involved is hard and can be intense at times. Yet, the rewards of holding such a position are worth the toil. Seeing the work being done by Baron William, the Order of the Cross of Calontir recommended to Prince Brumbarr and Princess Valmai that His Excellency should be one of their number. On January8 AS XVII, many folk of Calontir journeyed to the Barony of Vatavia to celebrate the Tourney of the Ice Queen. There, the Prince and Princess called Baron William into Their Court and recognized him as the seventh Companion to the Order of Cross of Calontir.

In the days when Calontir was a Region and then a Principality, it was often said that the Companions to the Order of the Iren Hirth were those fighters whom Calontir thought should be knights, but only the Midrealm Royalty could determine which, if any, of Calontir's citizens should wear the white belt. While the Iren-Hirth remains a special group to this day, those fighters who by their skill, valor, and leadership are among Calontir's best, in those early days it was the highest award that a Warlord or Prince could give to a fighter. As of September 4, AS XVIII, there were only eleven Huscarls of the Hirth. On the fields of Valor Tourney in Vatavia, Prince Humpk II and Princess Mamarra II, would add four more worthy fighter into the Hirth. Among them was Baron William.

Baron William had helped to form two of Calontir's baronies. He had a long record of service and of valor on the battlefield. Those who remember Baron William speak of his quick wit and his love of puns. Mistress Luciana dela Ridolfi would speak of Baron William bringing her to tears of laughter. Although she hated the bawdy songs he sang. Others loved those songs and would ask Baron William to sing them when Calontir gathered at revel. William saw Calontir born and served through Bailiff, Warlords, Princes, and Princesses. And now, Calontir was about to become a Kingdom. Baron William made the dangerous trek from Coeur D'Ennui to Mag Mor for Calontir's first Crown Tournament on February 18 AS XVIII. Baron William carried Baroness Rosamund's favor onto the field that day. It was Lord Chepe L'Orangere fighting for Baroness Arwynn Antaradi who won the day and became the first King and Queen of Calontir. Although Baron William did not win the day, King Chepe and Queen Arwynn would grant Baron William de Couer de Boeuf a high honor. On May 26 AS XIX, Baron William was called before Their Majesties Court and given the accolade of Knighthood. His Excellency Sir William became the first member of the Order of the Chivalry dubbed by Calontir Crown.

The next day was the second Crown Tournament of Calontir. Again, William carried Rosamund's favor onto the field. The newest knight acquitted himself well and came to face Lord Shadan Secarius in the final round of the tournament. Though he fought well, Shadan won the day. Shadan, along with Erzebet von Schachendorf were invested as Prince and Princess and heirs to the Kingdom.

It is the custom in Calontir, that when a Crown steps down and the Heir comes to claim his Throne, the testimony of the Kingdom Seneschal, the Earl Marshal, the Gold Falcon Herald, and the individual who the heir bested in Crown Finals testify that this is indeed the true Heir. On September 14, AS XIX, Baron William began the journey to Barony of Three Rivers to make his testimony on behalf of Prince Shadan, He would never arrive at Coronation event. In a terrible accident, Baron William, Baroness Rosamund, and Ladies Elizabeth of Lymond and Elizabeth Greytower perished. In Argent's Song, Master Andrixos sings, "See you the road, the awful road, and think of long lost friends. We have none been there but recalled it oft, how Couer de Boeuf met his end."

The loss of Baron William and Baroness Rosamund and their passengers reverberated throughout Calontir. It was a loss felt for many years. Mistress Luciana even said that she would listen to the bawdy songs she hated if it meant she could have more time with William. As ripples in a pond fade, so did the grief felt at William's death. Now, most of Calontir's populace only know that William was an early member who died. Even for his friends, the memory of grief is a scar that has healed. However, Baron William de Couer de Boeuf left Calontir a great legacy of chivalry, service, and honor. He founded two groups which are now proud baronies. When Calontir populace sings "The Old Dun Cow," it shouts "Fesselmeyer!" during the last verse and raises a cup in honor to William de Couer de Boeuf, Baron and Knight. Often, after the song, veteran Calontiri are found explaining the Legend of Sir William Couer de boeuf to newer members.

CORRECTION - William Coeur de Boeuf was not in the finals at the second Crown Tournament. It was Master Juan whom Shadan beat that day. Baron William was on his way to Three Rivers to witness the Coronation of Shadan and Erzebet and to swear fealty at the time of accident.