Calontir Legends 3 - Finola O'Clery

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Post 3 - Baroness Finola O'Clery

In February of AS XIX (1985), Jenna of Southwind came home from an SCA meeting and told her mother that the Kingdom of Calontir needed more paid members so that they could be sure to keep Kingdom status. Jenna bought a one-year membership. Her mother bought a two-year membership. It would be a couple of months before Finola O'Clery would make it to an event, but when she did, she made an impact. The event was the Barony of Forgotten Sea's Feast of Fools, where the populace was encouraged to come in a foolish costume.

It is said that she came as grotesquery and when she was introduced to Master Trevarr of Steelholm, he was apparently quite freaked out at her costume. In May of XX, Finola attended her Kingdom event, Crown Tournament. She was there when Edward Cire of Greymoor and Elisabeth du Rossingnol became the heirs to the Falcon Crown.

Finola loved planning, and immediately began to make plans for Pennsic War. She made herself enough garb to last through Pennsic and the Southwind Battle Van made its first trip east.

Finola was always one to make sure people and animals were well cared for. Jenna tells the story of how Finola once broke into the space behind the hamster cages at Woolworth’s when she noticed that none of the hamsters had any water in their bottles. She filled the water bottles for the hamsters and practically dared any of the staff to try and stop her. In the SCA, Finola saw a need for people to bring water to thirsty fighters. She started taking empty milk jugs, tubing, and Gatorade to every event which she attended. Others would join Finola as the first Calontir Waterbearers. Finola was awarded arms by King Aesgirr and Queen Mirriam on August 9, AS XXI (1986). When the need came to organize the waterbearers under the Chiurgeonate, Countess Mirriam, the Kingdom Chiurgeon, asked Finola to be the first Kingdom Waterbearing Coordinator for Calontir.

Finola continued to bring water to events and to organize waterbearing at Foreign Wars like Pennsic and Estrella. Oldtime Calontiri will remember the cart full water jugs that Finola pulled marching alongside the Calontir Army. Under Finola's leadership, the Calontir Waterbearers would be recognized as part of the Calontir army, the first members of the Fourth Company.

Finola was known for feeding any that needed it. She was often called the Falcon-Feeder. When King Valens I and Queen Susannuh I led the Calontir host to Estrella War, Finola and Jenna smuggled a duffle bag filled with frozen barbequed roasts through airport security to feed the Calontir Camp at War. A year later, King Lorrell negotiated a deal with the King of Caid, where Caid would feed the Calontir Army steak dinners if they fought for Caid. King Lorrell didn't realize that His Majesty Caid only meant to feed the fighters since in Calontir, everyone is part of the Army. So, while the fighters had their steak dinners, the rest of the Calontir Camp enjoyed the Great Chicken Feed; Finola and Jenna arranged to feed everyone else fried chicken and sides.

While known for her waterbearing leadership, Finola also made tents. She built a pavilion to cover her van, which served as the bed that she and Jenna would sleep in at Wars. She made sunshades for herself and for the Kingdom. For her skill as tentmaker, King Valens and Queen Susannuh awarded Finola the Order of the Leather Mallet on December 12, AS XXII.

Finola quickly became the "Mother of Falcons." She would "adopt" several new people and make sure they ate hot meals at camping events. She made garb for her "kids" and introduced them to new friends. Finola had a clever wit and was great company. Many of those whom Finola "adopted" would grow into leaders in Calontir. Finola's hospitality was legendary in those early days. For her great service to Calontir, Finola was awarded the Order of the Torse by King Thorvald and Queen Branwynn on May 21, AS XXIII.

When Calontir gathered to witness the coronation of King Shadan II and Queen Alix in Forgotten Sea on March 11 AS XXIV, Finola was called into the first court of the new Crown and ennobled with the title of Court Baroness. Calontir rejoiced to see Mother of Falcons so honored. Apparently, there was some disagreement between the incoming Crown and the outgoing Crown as to who would award this honor to Finola. A compromise was reached and thus it was the King Shadan and Queen Alix bestowed the honor.

Between feeding hungry young falcons and waterbearing, Finola could be seen working on needlepoint projects. Her Byzantine garb was embellished with trim that sewed herself. King Tomeeki and Queen Fiona recognized Baroness Finola's skill and entered her into the Order of the Golden Swan on July 12, AS XXV.

The duties of the Kingdom Waterbearer were heavy and Finola chose to pass on those tasks as King Gabriel II and Queen Hywela II came to the throne. Waterbearing would continue to grow under the new waterbearing coordinator, but Baroness Finola could not put aside her love of the Calontir Army and her need to take care of it. She came to find a great deal on " Cup'a Soup" before Pennsic XX, and brought soup, "fighter biscuits." and jerky (made by Jenna) to the War. When the Calontir Army marched back to camp after the battles, they found soup and refreshment under the Calontir Pavilion, provided by Finola and Jenna. The Calontir Soup Kitchen was born, and the Fourth Company expanded to include those who cooked and served the soup. Recognizing the great service Finola gave to Calontir and to the Falcon Host, King Roric and Queen Morganna called the noble Order of the Cross of Calontir on the field of the Woods Battle and invited Baroness Finola to join their noble ranks. This was done on August 12, AS XXVIII.

By now, Baroness Finola was already legend. She founded the Waterbearers of Calontir, she founded the Calontir Soup Kitchen, and her hospitality was legendary. Queen Yrsa was inspired to award Finola one of her Queen's Endorsements of Distinction. Although age began to take its toll on the noble baroness, she still worked at the Soup Kitchen whenever she could. Her arms were augmented on October 12, AS XXXVII in the final court of King Martino and Queen Ariel.

When attending events became increasingly difficult, we saw less and less of her in Calontir. Still, Baroness Finola left Calontir with a treasured legacy. She had built the Fourth Company from the ground up and trained the future leaders of the non-combatant army. King Duncan and Queen Ylva visited Finola in full regalia while one the throne. It was the last time Finola would set eyes upon the Calontir Crown. Calontir grieved when Finola departed this life. We sang non-nobis to speed her journey and drank to the memories of all she brought to Calontir. There are many peers in Calontir who were the "kids" for whom Finola cared during their earliest days in the SCA. Master Andrixos immortalized Finola's service with his Hymn for Calontir Soup Kitchen. After the battles where Calontir musters, may we always remember to thank Baroness Finola O'Clery for the soup. Finola's legacy to Calontir makes her a true Calontir Legend.

Author's Note - I was one of the kids Finola adopted. The Mother of Falcons was my SCA mom, and I owe much of what I have accomplished in the Society to Finola. I am not alone in my gratitude to Finola. When Non-Nobis is sung and we drink to absent friends, I will always think of and thank Finola for all she gave to me and to Calontir.