Seathrún Brock

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Revision as of 16:30, 2 May 2024 by (talk) (Added Tournament Info)
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Vert, a badger rampant argent marked sable between three chess bishops argent.
Lord Badger & Lady Eawynn, Lilies War Fireworks, 2023

Seathrún Brock


  • Lord Seathrún Brock (born circa 1220), known in the Society as Badger, is a Hiberno-Norman descendent of Sir Arthur de Capell Broke, a Norman fighter who invaded England with King William I in 1066. After receiving a grant of land from King William, and without prospects for inheritance, Sir Arthur’s younger sons spread throughout Norman-held regions in search of land and renown. Several generations later, Seathrún’s grandfather joined John de Courcy’s Hibernian campaign in 1177 during the reign of King Henry II. Awarded land in East Ulster, near Meath, Lord Brock’s grandfather took a local Irish princess as his bride and bequeathed his meager landholdings to his only son, Lord Seathrún’s father. Lord Seathrún currently maintains the Brock estate within a small walled village and keep known as Badgersett, on the far northwestern edges of the Pale. Lord Seathrún is married to Lady Eawynn, and they strive to maintain a semblance of peace between the immigrant Norman merchant townsfolk and the surrounding “wild Irish,” from which both are descended. It is a precarious existence, balancing their Norman and Irish heritage, at a time when the English Crown is more concerned with Their holdings on the continent.

History in the SCA:


  • When started in SCA: 2018
    • Authorized in C&T, Heavy Rapier, and Spear. Active in Archery & Thrown Weapons
      • Significant Tournament Achievements:
        • Winner, 2022 Lilies War Achilles Heel Tournament
        • 2nd Place, 2022 Lilies War Paired Tournament (with Joachim Courtenay de Marxbruder)
        • Winner, 2023 Lilies War Achilles Heel Tournament
        • Winner, 2023 Lilies War Lobster Tournament
        • 2nd Place, 2023 Lilies War Unranked Tournament
        • Qualifier, 2023 Lilies War 100 Arrows Tournament
        • 3rd Place, 2024 Unslung Heroes Fun Shoot
    • Golden Calon Swan, awarded A.S. LVII by King Hirsch Eichman & Queen Magdalena vander Meere
      • Barony of Forgotten Sea Baronial A&S Champion 2021
      • Winner, Blank Border Competition, 2022 Winter Coronation
      • Composer of Entrance & Incidental Music for the Coronation of Logan & Ylva II, 2022
      • Barony of Forgotten Sea Baronial A&S Champion 2024
      • Head, Calontir Scribal Guild, Appointed by TRM David and Rhianwen
      • Queens Prize Tournament, A.S. 58, Populace Choice
    • Award of Arms, awarded A.S. LVI by Marius Lucius Fidelis, Rex, & Altia Albia Tamara, Regina

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Barony of Forgotten Sea

Other Information

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