Saito Takauji

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Baron Takauji at the Baronial Archery Championship 2022. Photo by Baroness Lelia Corsini, used with permission.

Or, on a pale sable, three cherry blossoms Or

Baron Saito Takauji

  • Saito no Ason Takauji
    • Note: "no Ason" is a rank indicator, not a registered part of the name.
  • "Uji"
  • Japanese title: Ohata-no-kami.


  • 16th Century (December 1600) Japanese. Alternate personae: Matthew Blackacre (16th Century Tudor), Khorilar-un Batu (13-14th Century Mongol)
  • Saito Takauji was born in Japan in the late 16th century. While a young man he participated in the invasion of Korea sent by the Taiko Hideyoshi Toyotomi. After it ended badly, he ended up traveling through Southeast Asia and eventually ended up spending several years in the service of the King of Ayuthaya, where he was rewarded for his labors. Now he serves as a regional governor.
  • Heraldry, Service, Calontir Steel/Rapier, Bardic.

History in the SCA:

  • Timeline:
    • Joined: August, 2004.
    • First real event: Newcomers, Barony of Unser Hafen 2004.
    • Court Positions Held:
      • Queen's Guard, Bela II and Claudia (Outlands), 2006.
      • Bardic Champion of the Barony of Unser Hafen (Outlands), 2005-2006
      • Fencing Champion of the Barony of Unser Hafen (Outlands), 2006-2007
      • Bard of the Far West (West), 2010-2011
      • Gentle in Waiting for Ashir and Maerwynn, 2010-2011
      • Champion of the Bardic College of Calontir (Big Damn Stick), 2011-2012
      • Bardic Champion of the Barony of Vatavia, 2013-2014.
      • Cut and Thrust Champion of the Barony of Vatavia, 2014-2015.
      • Cut and Thrust Champion of the Barony of the Lonely Tower, 2015-2016
      • Gentle in Waiting, Ashir II and Ashland, 2017
      • Gentle in Waiting, Damien II and Issabell, 2017
      • White Hawk Herald, Ashir III and Ashland, 2018
      • Bardic Champion of the Barony of Mag Mor, December 2019 - December 2021 (hooray COVID)
  • Groups and Affiliations:
    • Current Group: Barony of Mag Mor
    • Past Groups: Barony of Lonely Tower, Shire of Crescent Moon, Barony of the Far West (West), Barony of Unser Hafen (Outlands)
    • Other Affiliations: Bardic College of Calontir, College of Heralds of the Outlands, College of Heralds of the Kingdom of the West, College of Heralds of Calontir, College of Arms of the SCA, Grand Council of the SCA.
  • Offices:
    • Current Offices:
      • Local Offices: Baron of Mag Mor
      • Regional Offices: None Currently
      • Kingdom Offices: None Currently
    • Former Offices:
      • Fencing Marshal of the Canton of Bofharrach (Outlands), 2004-2008
      • Deputy Seneschal of Bofharrach, 2005-2006
      • Seneschal of Bofharrach, 2006-2007
      • Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal (Outlands), 2007-2008
      • Deputy Knight Marshal of Unser Hafen 2007-2008
      • Golden Peach Pursuivant of the Far West, 2009-2010
      • Seneschal (Founding), Canton of Golden Playne, 2009-2010
      • Deputy Chairman of the Grand Council, 1 year appointment, 2011-2012
      • Chairman of the Grand Council, 1 year appointment, 2012-2013
      • Grand Council, At-Large Member: 2010 - 2015.
      • Corpora Expert, Additional Peerage Committee (APEC): 2012-2013
      • Seneschal of the Barony of the Lonely Tower, 2014 - 2016
      • Purple Falcon Herald (Emergency Deputy to Kingdom Herald), 2014-2016
      • Gold Falcon Principal Herald, 2016-2018
      • White Hawk Herald, 2018
      • Emergency Deputy Kingdom Seneschal, 2021-2022
  • Awards:
    • AoA: May 6th 2005, Hogaarden II and Chiara
    • Order of the Golden Ring of Unser Hafen: April 15th 2006, Alexandyr and Mardanah
    • Green Cord of Vatavia: September 1st 2006, Thomas and Cerridwyn
    • Red Cord of Vatavia: September 1st 2007, Thomas and Cerridwyn
    • Order of the Keepers of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen: June 22nd 2008, William and Rosalind
    • Defender of the Silver Tyne of the Outlands: July 5th 2008, Boleslav and Astridr
    • Order of the Dancing Monkey of Caer Galen: July 26th 2008, Carrick and Katerina
    • Honor of the Far West Support: October 24th 2009, Katherine and Rothri
    • Order of the Empty Shell: June 19th 2010, Abe and Ii (Far West)
    • Order of the Burdened Bouget: June 19th 2010, Abe and Ii (Far West)
    • Order of the Golden Calon Swan: February 18th, 2011, Ashir and Maerwynn
    • Order of the Skipping Stones of Unser Hafen (Premier): April 14th, 2012
    • Order of the Torse: August 30th, 2013, Damien and Issabell
    • Order of the Cord of Lonely Tower: December 8th, 2013, Dolan and Kezia
    • Order of Nobel’s Gratitude: October 18th, 2014, Tracker and Meadbh
    • Order of the Goose Migrant of Lonely Tower: August 2015, Giulia.
    • Order of the Calon Lily: April 8th, 2017, Ashir and Ashland
    • Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction: July 8, 2017, Ashland
    • Order of the Cross of Calontir: August 26th, 2017, Damien and Issabell
    • Cambroges of Mag Mor, 2022
    • Territorial Baronage, August 28, 2022
      • [Order of Precedence]
      • [Order of Precedence]
      • Notes: Defender of the Silver Tynes is the Outlands AoA level award for Rapier. The Golden Ring and Keeper of the Portcullis are the Unser Hafen Baronial awards for Service and Combat respectively. Green Cords of Vatavia are given out for acts of service by non-Vatavians and make you an honorary member, eligible for the other awards. The Red Cord is for a Vatavian who wins a tournament. Both are non-armigerous. The Honor of the Far West Support is a non-armigerous honor (an award that may be given multiple times, as opposed to an order) of the Palatine Barony of the Far West. Order of the Empty Shell is given to everyone who leaves the Palatine Barony, and the Burdened Bouget is the service award. The Order of the Skipping Stones is a Baronial award given to those who start their career in Unser Hafen and go on to further the dream in other groups. The Order of the Cord is a Baronial award in the Barony of Lonely Tower, given as a sign of acceptance by the Barony. The Nobel’s Gratitude is an award for personal service to the Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen. The Goose Migrant is the Lonely Tower award for extensive travel and representing the Barony well.

Other Information

Personal website: [Dishonor On Your Cow]

Scroll Texts, Research, Ceremonies, and other SCA work:

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  • Don't let him fool you. Uji is actually a ninja. It has been handed down through his family for five generations.