Laurencia of Mag Mor

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  • Late 14th / Early 15th century Italian


  • Main interests:
    • Spinning (2021 - present); drop spindles, supported, wheel spinning, & always looking for new techniques and tools to try
    • Sewing and garb creation (Sewing all my life, garb creation in earnest 2020 - present)
  • Sub interests:
    • Weaving (2023 - present)
    • Dyeing / Natural Dyes (2023 - present)
    • Tablet Weaving (2021 - present)
    • Nalbinding (2023 - present)
  • Haven't tried, but would like to:
    • Embroidery
    • Music, particularly the harp and/or nyckelharpa

History in the SCA:


  • First Event: Cattle Raids 2022
  • Simple AOA received August 26th, 2023

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: The Barony of Mag Mor
  • Previous Groups: N/A
  • Guilds, Households, etc: N/A


  • Local Offices: Mag Mor Webminister, Spring 2023 - Present
  • Regional Offices: N/A
  • Kingdom Offices: N/A
  • SCA-wide Offices: N/A
  • Other service: N/A

Other Information

Currently using 14th / Early 15th century Italy as my introduction into personas, but may eventually branch out into Pharaonic Egypt, Minoan Crete, Ancient Greece, and/or Norse.

Artist Portfolio

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