Nikolai Gornostai Spiach'ev

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Gules, a demi-stoat issuant from base Or. Image from the Calontir Armorial.
  • Pronunciation guide: nee-koh-LAI gor-noh-STAI spee-ACH-ev
  • Formerly known as: Ambrogio di Dionisio Acciaiuoli, Ambrose Sans Tonsure, Ambrose the Paranoid.


  • Names:
  • Николай Горностай Спиачьев (Nikolai Gornostai Spiachev) - registered name
  • Николай Константинов (Nikolai Konstantinov); Николай Спиачьев (Nikolai Spiach’ev); Горностай Спиачьев (Gornostai Spiach’ev); Горностай Константинов (Gornostai Konstantinov) - acceptable name variants.
  • Nikolai is a late 15th century minor court functionary in the court of Ivan III Vasilyevich (Russian: Иван III Васильевич), Grand Prince of Moscow and Sovereign of all Russia.
    • Sophia Palaiologina, Ivan III Vasilyevich's consort, brought a new style of imperial minded court with her family's traditions from Constantinople to the court of the Grand Prince.
    • Nikolai's position involved the translation and implementation of this new court ceremony of the Grand Prince of Moscow's court.

History in the SCA:


  • When started in SCA - A.S. XIII (1978 C.E.)
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Barony of the Lonely Tower, Kingdom of Calontir.
  • Previous Groups: Barony of Winters Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West. Barony of the Star Gate, Kingdom of Ansteorra
  • Guilds, Households, etc:


  • Local Offices:
    • Served three different tenures as Anser Pursuivant (Lonely Tower heraldic officer).
    • Former Lonely Tower Minister of Sciences.
    • Former deputy seneschal for Lonely Tower's former canton.
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
    • Former Red Hawk Herald (Calontir external commenting Herald).
    • Former Sparrow Hawk Herald (Calontir regional herald).
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Events as event or feast steward:
    • Sword Quest (Winter's Gate).
    • Decadence I (Middle Eastern)
    • Decadence II (Middle Eastern).
    • Decadence III (Silk Route).
    • Decadence IV (Middle Eastern)
    • (Italian)
    • (Russian)
  • Other service:

Other Information

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

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