St. Augustine's Faire 2024

From Calontiri Wiki
Revision as of 19:56, 8 May 2024 by Sofya (talk | contribs)
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General Information

  • Date: 16-18 August 2024
  • Location: Grafton Community Center, Grafton, IA
  • Royalty: Robert and Magge planning
  • Theme: Eat, Drink and Shoot Pretty
  • Event Flyers:


  • Event Steward aka Autocrat: Maistres Sofya la Rus
  • Co-Autocrat (assistant, deputy often serves as Event Steward next year): TBD
  • Gate/Troll (x2 at least): Lady Avelyn Carbery EiC, ? assist Lady Gwynhwyvar (if childcare)
  • Site Boss (site set-up/maintenance/tear-down): Lady Brighid

  • Feast Steward: Meisterin Brigida von München, Lord Berndt der Kuehne
  • Inn (lunch, sometimes breakfast/brunch): HL Anastasia da Carrara, Ms Juliana Macnayre
  • Hall Steward (set up for feast):
  • Head Server:

  • Fighting MIC: ? Villa
  • Cut & Thrust MIC: ? Villa
  • Archery MIC: Lord Gobban Macroibeard
  • Thrown Weapons: Lady Avelyn Carbery
  • Equestrian MIC: n/a
  • Health and Welfare (waterbearing/first aid): ? Ms Esther

  • A&S coordinator: HL Anastasia da Carrara
  • Merchant Coordinator/Silent Auction: Lady Brighid
  • Youth Activities (x2): ? Villa Frumentaria ?
  • Publicity: Lord Sifrid von Eichelborn
  • Royal Liason: ? HE Jory

Arts and Sciences






  • MIC

Armored Combat

  • MIC

Cut & Thrust

  • MIC


  • MIC

Unofficial Court Report:

Insert here

Other Highlights:

  • Insert here

Feast Menu

Planning seats for 60.

First Remove, etc.

Photos & Videos:

  • Insert here

Comments and Impressions:

  • Insert here


Note that uploading images is restricted to logged-in "members" of the wiki. Contact sofya @ calontiri dot info, or FB Lisa Sofya Kies.

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