Feast of Eagles 2017

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29 July 2017 Location Royalty

Event Steward:

Theme: The 100-Years War - Have a class on how the long bow changed war? Fashions of the 14th and 15th centuries? How to make cheese? Or a trebuchet? Classes do not have to be related to the theme, but brownie points if they do, and maybe actual brownies.


Unofficial Court Report:

  • During the day:

> @Christopher Atrox – Queen’s Chalice AND Torse > @Melodia – Torse > @Elias de Jaye – Iren Fyrd > @Kitsu Katome – Stile Fyrd > Killian O’Connaill – Stile Fyrd > Duncan Bruce of Logan – Stile Fyrd

  • Evening court:

> @Þórvia – AoA > Khalil ibn Abd’l-Wahid al-Katib – Calon Cross > @Teodric Ó Dubhghaill – Falcon’s Claw > @Emerick Jones – AoA > @Apollonia von Bremen – Calon Lily > @Moira Meade – Queen’s Chalice > @Mason of Oakheart – Queen’s Chalice > @Brady of Oakheart – Queen’s Chalice > @Tamar bat Avraham – Queen’s Chalice > @Jacob ben Avraham – Queen’s Chalice

  • Other court tidings:

> It was announced that the theme for @Lilies War 2018 will be “Counties vs. Duchies”, and the co-autocrats will be Count Agamemnon Platylithodae and Honorable Lady Katherine d’Arles. > @Elias de Jaye won the Man at Arms armored combat tourney. > Sir @Martus Aleskandrov won the other armored combat tourney. > Honorable Lord Gawin Kappler won the first cut & thrust tourney. > Honorable Lord @Kitsu no Taro won the second cut & thrust tourney. > Lord Bragi Oddsson won the bocce tourney. > The Shire of Cum An Iolair donated the funds from the “Fish in a Barrel” raffle, and gave a tithe to the kingdom. > Lord Faustus Cantilius Lupus was appointed the Royal Stunt Liver. > 10 newcomers received mugs. > Laurels, Pelicans, Chivalry and populace swore fealty. > A boon was begged for @Tamar bat Avraham to join the Order of the Laurel.


Comments and Impressions: