Gwynneth wraig Rhys

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Revision as of 19:13, 6 June 2023 by Sofya (talk | contribs)
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Vert, a basket, on a chief Or two ivy leaves bendwise inverted vert. Image from the Calontir Armorial.


  • Gwynneth is the widow (“wraig") of poor Rhys who died in battle. (Welsh, ~ 10 th C.)

History in the SCA:


  • Began in the Shire of Hammerhold, Kingdom of Meridies (Oxford, MS) in 1994.
  • Assisted in creating new Kingdom Laws for the application to the BoD to become the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: the Barony of Three Rivers, Calontir
  • Previous Groups: Shire of Hammerhold, Meridies/Gleann Abhann; Shire of Evensong Forest (now Raven’s Hold), Gleann Abhann; Shire of Burning Sands, Atenveldt
  • Guilds, Households, etc: Sable Rose (household)
  • Principal Protégé: Mistress Brigid Mhor inghen Mhuirchada


  • Local Offices: Current: Seneschal - Barony of Three Rivers; Deputy Kingdom List Minister.
  • Past: Deputy Chronicler-Three Rivers; Seneschal-Hammerhold (x2); Herald (“Kudzu Pursuivant”)-Hammerhold; Exchequer-Evensong Forest
  • SCA-wide Offices: Clerk of the Grand Council (‘97-‘99)

Other Information

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

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