Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder

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  • Who, what, where?

History in the SCA:


  • When started in SCA:
    • 2019
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
    • First Event:
      • 2019 Vatavia Valor
    • First Tournament Win:
      • 2021 Westumbria C/T Champion
    • Subsequent Tournament Wins:
      • 2021 Bardic Wars: Rapier Dressage (Winner)
      • 2021 Bardic Wars: Martial Team Relay (Team Win)
      • 2021 Westumbria Purge the Scourge Tournament (Thrown Weapons)
      • 2021 Barony of Vatavia Champion (C/T)
      • 2021 Cattle Raids “Bring Your Best” (C/T)
      • 2022 Unranked Stile Lilies Tournament
      • 2022 Lilies Rose Tournament for Duchess Anna Leigh (C/T)
      • 2022 Lilies Lobster Invitational (C/T)
      • 2022 Lilies OWL Tournament for Sechen Tatar-Un (C/T)
      • 2022 Lilies 2-Hander Tournament (C/T)
      • 2022 Lilies Spear Only Tournament (Premier) (C/T)
      • 2022 Lilies Rubberband Throw (Thrown Weapons)
      • 2022 Lilies Bee Throw (Thrown Weapons)
      • 2022 Feast of Eagles Spear Tournament (C/T)
      • 2022 Feast of Eagles Mixed Weapons Tournament (C/T)
      • 2022 Feast of Eagles Knife Throwing Tournament (Thrown Weapons)
      • 2022 Cattle Raids: Team Win: Team Sheriff (Led by Hieronymous) vs. Team Robin Hood
      • 2022 Gryphons Fest: Sirens vs Sailors: Last Sailor Standing (C/T)
      • 2022 Toys For Tots: C/T Champion (C/T)
      • 2023 Stile Fyrd Bear Pit (C/T): Gulf Wars
      • 2023 Champion Win (Rapier) (Representative of the Kingdom Ansteorra Alliance) War Point: Gulf Wars
      • 2023 Vatavia Valor Poker Throw
      • 2023 Lilies Tic-Tac-Toe Spear Throw
      • 2023 Lilies C&T Bear Pit
      • 2023 Lilies Knife Poker Throw
      • 2023 Unranked Archery Champion
      • 2023 Thrown Weapons "Pillars of Success"
    • First War Appearance: 2021 Bardic Wars (Representative of the Middle Kingdom Alliance)
    • War Accomplishment:
      • 2021 Bardic Wars: Rapier Dressage (Winner)
      • 2021 Bardic Wars: Martial Team Relay (Team Win)
      • 2022 Gulf Wars XXX Stile Commander, 2nd to Sir Wulfric Tyrell

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Vatavia
  • Previous Groups: N/A
  • Guilds, Households, etc:
    • Stile Fyrdman (@Lilies 2022)
    • Squire to Sir Wulfric Tyrell of House Tyrell (@Gulf 2023)
    • Stile Huscarl (@Coronation 2023)
    • Stile Master of Defense (@Feast of Eagles 2023)


  • Local Offices: C/T Marshall - Vatavia
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices: Warranted C/T Marshall - Calontir
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:

Other Information - Personal Facebook Page - Owner/Head Coach/Lead Instructor - Main Vatavia Page - Group Vatavia Page

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