Darius Delphin

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Azure, a pall vairy en pointe Or and purpure, overall a dragon displayed maintaining in each hind foot a mullet argent
Darius Delphin

Lord Darius van Delphin


Here begins the tale of Darius Delphin, son of Otto Delphin and his dutch bride, Heidi:

Though he was born in the small town of Brunsbüttel in Holstein, in the Holy Roman Empire in the year 1484, Darius Delphin was the son of a poor blacksmith. As the family had little money, the local lord, Heinrich von Holstein, was given lien over the business to train the boy from the age of seven, tutoring him in the ways of reading and writing as well as swordplay and the proper care of arms and armor.

Unfortunately, just after Darius turned twenty his parents died during a raid, and he traveled with the lord away from his village to the city of Hamburg. After staying in the city for the winter, they embarked on to where the two of them, with what little money Lord Holstein had from the sale of his family's possessions, arrived in Luxemburg with a Lanskenecht unit. Though he spent his days with the lord in his training, his evenings were filled with the tales of battles fought and tales told by the Lanskenechte.

Finally, as the soldiers left town, he gathered his meager possessions and followed them out to sign the contract and join their ranks while the lord returned to his lands in the north. After a decade in their ranks, first as a pikeman, and then as a Doppelsöldner with a crossbow, he grew tired of battle on the front lines and, after the Battle of Marignano in 1515, he studied the military engineering manuals of the era and moved his commission to the engineers in the general military, where he began working on new siege engines and battlement designs for the crown and assorted nobility.

After six years of work that led to him being an officer in the engineers, in 1521 at the age of 37, Darius took leave of the military to pursue a life as a civilian engineer and advisor to the military as needed.

History in the SCA:


  • When started in SCA: 1996
  • Significant events since then:
    • AOA-Simple, Tournament of Valor, 2019-08-31
    • Heart of Vatavia (Baronial Service Award), 2023-04-15
    • Torse (AOA), Tournament of Valor, 2023-05-27

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Vatavia
  • Previous Groups:
  • Guilds, Households, etc:


  • Local Offices:
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:

Other Information

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