Ælin Kausi

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From the Calontir Armorial

Full name with preferred title here


  • Who, what, where?
  • 11th-13th century Norman/ late Norse

History in the SCA:

Timeline: 2009- Present

  • When started in SCA:
    • 2009
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
    • AoA Simple
    • Torse
    • Swan
    • Calon Cross
    • Leather Mallet
    • Calon Lily
  • Groups and Affiliations:
    • Current Group: Canton of Aston Tor, Barony of Forgotten Sea
    • Previous Groups:
    • Guilds, Households, etc:
  • Offices:
    • Local Offices:
      • Canton of Aston Tor A&S Minister, Oct 2014 - July 2017
      • Canton of Aston Tor Deputy Seneschal
      • Barony of Forgotten Sea A&S Minister, July 2017 - July 2019
      • Canton of Aston Tor Seneschal, May 2018 - May 2020
      • Canton of Aston Tor Exchequer, Dec 2021 - Dec 2023; deputy 2023- present
    • Regional Offices:
    • Kingdom Offices: Good Hand Herald, Feb 2023- present
    • SCA-wide Offices:
    • Other service:
      • 2018 Lilies A&S coordinator
      • 2018 Horse & Falcons event steward
      • 2019 Kris Kinder meeting scheduler

Other Information

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

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