Cooks Guild Meeting Minutes

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2018 July 28 at Feast of Eagles

Ysabel opened the meeting with a discussion on what direction the Cook's Guild Should take.

  • The Guild has been a bit dormant, and it was even considered within the last 2 years to disband the Guild. Interest was dwindling, and few were attending meetings. We are hoping that we would be able to rally the Guild and make it more productive. It has almost felt like we have just been holding on by a thread.
  • Sometimes the old must change to create a newer/better group. Ysabel is willing to take the reins and help that happen. This will also mean electing new supporting officers in the future.
  • It was also suggested that we need to be looking at the possibility of sponsoring Vigils and Inns as a group, which will mean encouraging newer cook's as well as the older guard to become more involved in the Guild

Discussion concerning Cooking Symposium and Playing with Fire:

  • Matherin and Loraine were in attendance and visited about how they felt unsupported for Cooking with Fire in both class volunteerism and items for the Inns.
  • The discussion also involved conversation about Cook's Symposium and not wanting to step on toes or cause competition with Cooking with Fire.
  • After much discussion it was decided that what we may need to do is combine the two and work together to get better results and better attendance.
  • We discussed sites and how some groups would like to see the gathering be in other areas around the Kingdom and not just the middle of the Kingdom. It was discussed how the location/site would be more flexible if other people were to step up and autocrat the event that they are the person to locate the if other's volunteer the event would move around more.
  • Ysabel introduced the idea of making it a combination Bakers, Brewers and Cooks Symposium and thus widening the area of interest. It seemed agreeable to all who attended.

Taste of Calontir

  • Taste of Calontir was explained to those who may not know.
  • The History of Taste of Calontir was reviewed. What began as a few people bringing one dish to share and enlighten the general populace move to a much larger venue and was being seen more as a "Cook's Guild Party" or "Saturday Night Dinner" at Lilies. Volunteers to head up a table or volunteer to help at the tables where dwindling as well.
  • After discussion it was a consensus that Taste of Calontir needs to return to it's roots and be a smaller and more financially friendly endeavor.

Future Meetings

  • Ysabel is going to work on holding a meeting in each Barony to reach more people that may be interested in the guild.
  • Suggestions were made to have Cook's Guild Socials
  • To figure out a way to help people realize that the Cook's Guild is an open Guild. There is no invitation or level of proficiency needed. If you like to cook, come and play with us.


  • Time came to adjourn the meeting as Court was drawing near. Discussion could have continued, there were many more ideas shared. Goals with this in mind include having more meetings, in different locations, and being more visible is one of our current goals.