Coronation 2024, Summer

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General Information

  • Date: 13 July 2024
  • Location:
  • Royalty:
  • Theme:
  • Event Flyers:


  • Event Steward:
  • Gate:
  • Feast Steward:
  • Inn:
  • Fighting MIC:
  • Cut & Thrust MIC:
  • Archery MIC:
  • Thrown Weapons:
  • Equestrian MIC:
  • A&S coordinator:
  • Merchant Coordinator:
  • Youth Activities:

Arts and Sciences






  • MIC

Armored Combat

  • MIC

Cut & Thrust

  • MIC


  • MIC

Unofficial Court Report:

Final business of Elias and Adalyde:

Inez Errotabehere – Golden Calon Swan

Elisabetta da Bolzano (di Tres Fiumi) – Court Baronage

Yngvarr Bjarnakarl – Cross of Calontir

First court of Robert and Magge:

Roger Warwick – King’s Champion

Grimmbrand Hundeman – Queen’s Champion

Domina Atia Albia Tamara, Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis, Duchess Catalina de Arazuri, Duke Donngal Eriksson, Duke Hirsch Ross Eichmann, Duchess Magdalena vander Meere, Duke Marius Lucian Fidelis – Thegns

Øyríkr Raðúlfsson – Sword of Calontir

Giulia Isabella da Venezia – Cross of Calontir

Other court tidings:

A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Emma Ness to join the Order of Chivalry.

A boon was begged for Countess Xorazne Artsruni to join the Order of the Pelican.

On the field:

Áed mac Cormaic Uí Feidhlim – Stile Fyrd

Kjaran Hrœreksson, dictus Cearr – Stile Hirth

Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis – Stile Hirth

Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – Iren Fyrd

A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Christopher Atrox to join the Order of Chivalry.

Evening court:

Zafara Baabur – Calon Lily

Elias de Jaye – County

Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora – County

Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh – Torse

Uesugi Katsumoto – Torse

Other court tidings:

2 newcomers received mugs.

Members of the populace swore fealty.

Lord Guttormr Ragnvaldsson thanked the people of Calontir for their generosity after the flooding in Villa Frumentaria, and announced that the shire would host a revel at Raid or Trade.

Countess Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd announced that she is seeking a successor as chair of the Lilies Committee, and that bids for Lilies 2025 would be accepted until September 1.

Hálfgrímr riddari shared news of the upcoming Chilies event.

Honorable Lord Kjaran Hrœreksson, dictus Cearr, won the Blank Border competition.

Their Excellencies Saito Takauji and Lelia Corsini, as event stewards, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.

There were 242 attendees at the event.

Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the armored tournament.

Her Royal Majesty Magge declared Herself winner of the A&S competition, and gave tokens and thanks to all who entered.

Countess Branwen ferch Rhael and Lady Georgette Durning spoke of the upcoming Raid or Trade event.

A boon was begged for Lady Grete Leysin to join the Order of the Laurel.

A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Melchor Eichmann to join the Order of Chivalry.

A Temporary removal from Participation was pronounced against Berke Chinua.

His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis asked for donations to the Pennsic party fund.

Duke Joseph Angus Wilson brought news of the upcoming March Warden event in Grimfells.

A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Grimmbrand Hundeman to join the Order of Chivalry.

Other Highlights:

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Feast Menu

First Remove, etc.

Photos & Videos:

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Comments and Impressions:

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Note that uploading images is restricted to logged-in "members" of the wiki. Contact sofya @ calontiri dot info, or FB Lisa Sofya Kies.

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