Raid or Trade 2024

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Revision as of 20:27, 3 September 2024 by Sofya (talk | contribs) (→‎Staff:)
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General Information

  • Date:
  • Location:
  • Royalty:
  • Theme:
  • Event Flyers:


  • Event Steward aka Autocrat:
  • Co-Autocrat:
  • Gate:
  • Feast Steward:
  • Inn:
  • Fighting MIC:
  • Cut & Thrust MIC:
  • Archery MIC:
  • Thrown Weapons:
  • Equestrian MIC:
  • A&S coordinator:
  • Merchant Coordinator:
  • Youth Activities (x2):

Arts and Sciences






  • MIC

Armored Combat

  • MIC

Cut & Thrust

  • MIC


  • MIC

Unofficial Court Report:

Saturday evening court, August 31:

Corotica of Ansteorra – AoA

Gregorii Vladimir Borondinskii – Golden Calon Swan

Elkanah MacDonald – Torse

Other court tidings Saturday evening:

Countess Branwen ferch Rhael and Lady Georgette Durning, as Stewards of the Event, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.

Honorable Lord Amon Attwood won the C&T novice tournament.

Lord Rónán Rohan, dictus le Sauvage, won the C&T Ribbon tourney.

Master Lief of Crescent Moon won the Archery shoots.

A Laurel and a Pelican swore fealty, then the populace swore fealty.

6 newcomers received mugs.

Keegan of Coeur d’Ennui received the scroll for their AoA, awarded in the reign of David and Rhianwen.

Sunday evening court, September 1:

Justin of Villa Frumentaria – AoA

Catherine of Coeur d’Ennui – AoA

Anne von Husbergen – Golden Calon Swan

Penelope of Coeur d’Ennui – Queen’s Chalice

Dragoncina di Cecco – AoA

Clara Masen – Golden Calon Swan

Seth of Coeur d’Ennui – AoA

Geneviève de la Mare – AoA

Aoibhe inghean Cearan – Golden Calon Swan

Miyazaki Atsutaka – Golden Calon Swan

Séamus Cearrbhach mac Cearan, nee Jacob – Leather Mallet

Other court tidings Sunday evening:

The Barony of Coeur d’Ennui gave largess to the Crown.

Lady Aoibhe inghean Cearan won the A&S competition.

Honorable Lord Kjaran Hrœreksson, dictus Cearr, won the Bardic competition.

Sir Roger Warwick won the Armored tourney.

Honorable Lord Kjaran Hrœreksson, dictus Cearr, won the Steel Warlord Tournament.

Lord Owain the Younger and Lady Gabrielle des Chats Noirs won the Fill In the Blank Archery shoot.

Lord Owain the Younger won the double elimination Archery tournament.

Other Highlights:

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Feast Menu

First Remove, etc.

Photos & Videos:

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Comments and Impressions:

  • Insert here


Note that uploading images is restricted to logged-in "members" of the wiki. Contact sofya @ calontiri dot info, or FB Lisa Sofya Kies.

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