Pennsic Runestone

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Helpful Sources

Per History of Runestone Hill -

The Runestone was put in place at Pennsic 10 (1981). It can be found just south of the Midrealm royal encampment, at the top of the hill overlooking the lake.

The land around it is kept free of tents, and "Runestone Field" is open to all Pennsic attendees. It is sometimes used for private activities, such as Peerage ceremonies.

One side is carved in runes, the other in the Roman alphabet. The inscription shows a dragon fighting with a tyger, with the wording:

In honour of Pennsic X.
In war we test our honor, courage and strength.
Let no man strike in anger.
Let no man lie in pain.

The carving around the border reads:
The people of Gnomountain erected this stone and Lars carved it.

The carver was Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson (called "the Fierce"), and the College of No Mountain is in the Kingdom of Calontir.


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