Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh

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Argent, a fess enarched azure between two triquetras purpure and an otter statant sable

Full name with preferred title here


  • 15th Century
  • Seamstress
  • Born in County Meath, Ireland
  • When my brother was born and could not hear, I learned hand signals from the monks and friars. When I started letting him know what people were saying, wordfame of my skills brought me to the attention of officials and nobles. I then started making the hand signs in different parts of the country until I came to the attention of Royalty around the known world. At that point, I started traveling the world to assist in teaching and training others, yet I remained close to my brother, and made the hand signs for him whenever possible.


16th Century

Ottoman, Istanbul

History in the SCA:


  • When started in SCA: Spring 2011
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.):
    • While I had signed for my brother at some SCA events and activities since 2009, I did not join and start my SCA journey until I joined the SCA in Spring 2011.
    • my first real event was Lilies 2011.

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Barony of the Lonely Tower


  • Past Chronicler for BLT
  • Good Hand Herald for Calontir
  • Premier Silent Herald Deputy to Laurel King of Arms, SCA

Other Information

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