Rébeca la Chienne

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Argent, a wooden harp with the forepillar carved as a dog proper, in chief three open scissors inverted vert, a bordure sable. Image from Calontir Armorial.

Honorable Lady Rebeca la Chienne

Pronunciation guide: Alternate/former names: Use names:


  • 14th Century
  • French
  • Dog Trainer, harper, weaver, fiber arts

History in the SCA:


  • earliest timeframe remembered was 1988/'89 college timeframe
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
    • add something...

Groups and Affiliations:


  • Local Offices:
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:

Other Information

Weaving YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@bekahr1

Make that Dye Paintable class handout.

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