Coronation 2024, Spring

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General Information

  • Date: 23 March 2024
  • Location:
  • Royalty:
  • Theme:
  • Event Flyers:


  • Event Steward aka Autocrat:
  • Co-Autocrat (assistant, deputy often serves as Event Steward next year):
  • Gate/Troll (x2 at least, can't be Exchequer):
  • Site Boss (site set-up/maintenance/tear-down):
  • Feast Steward:
  • Inn (lunch, sometimes breakfast/brunch):
  • Hall Steward (set up for feast):
  • Head Server:
  • Fighting MIC:
  • Cut & Thrust MIC:
  • Archery MIC:
  • Thrown Weapons:
  • Equestrian MIC:
  • Health and Welfare (waterbearing/first aid):
  • A&S coordinator:
  • Merchant Coordinator:
  • Youth Activities (x2):
  • Publicity:
  • Royal Liason:

Arts and Sciences






  • MIC

Armored Combat

  • MIC

Cut & Thrust

  • MIC


  • MIC

Unofficial Court Report:

Final business of David and Rhianwen:

Howie Vimsson of Axed Root – Purple Jess

Lily MacDermott – Queen’s Chalice

Solveig of Oak Heart – AoA

Moire inghean Néill – Calon Lily

Biarne Hroereksson, called Bjarm – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry

Fernando Rodriguez de Falcon – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society

Zachariah de Kane – OAF

Rochwen Morwenna – Court Baronage

First court of Elias and Adalyde:

Honorable Lord Konáll bǫsull – King’s Champion

Duke Marius Lucian Fidelis – Queen’s Champion

Duke Donngal Eriksson, Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis, Domina Atia Albia Tamara, Master Galen MacColmáin – Thegns

Evening court:

David de la Cloude – County

Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd – County

Kitsu Kotome – Golden Calon Swan

Amba allrasystir – Iren Hirth

Sarra the Brave – Golden Calon Swan

Giovanni di Angelo Marchisetti – Torse

Other court tidings:

Gifts were exchanged between Their Majesties and TRHs Ivan and Katalena of the Midrealm.

Exile was pronounced against Marcus Brutius Leonitus Daemonium.

Mistress Brialen Ulfsdottir and Lady Rolanda de Lyndhurst, as event stewards, shared news of the day and were given gifts by Their Majesties.

There were 295 adults and 13 children on site.

Largess gathered at the event was presented to Their Majesties.

Royal edicts:

  1. Cilantro and nightshades are offensive to Her Majesty.
  2. Misbehavior and excessive talking during court will be dealt with by Her Majesty, immediately and personally.
  3. Practice kindness always.

Their Majesties thanked Honorable Lady Almedha of Anglesey, Duchess Magdalena vander Meere, Honorable Lady Elisabetta da Bolzano, and Mistress Gwendolyn verch Morgaine for making Their coronation garb.

4 newcomers received mugs.

Members of the populace swore fealty.

Their Majesties are accepting letters of intent to fight in Crown List until Sunday, 24 March.

Sir Cai Dubhghlas presented 4 swords, suitable for Cut and Thrust combat.

Mistress Vashti al-Ash’ariyah and Lord Miklos Farma brought news of upcoming RUSH events.

Mistress Miranda Logansdottir spoke of the upcoming Lilies work day, and of camping at Lilies War.

Lord Hieronymus shared other news of Lilies War.

Riddari Hálfgrímr hafreki brought news of the upcoming Chilies event.

A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Da’ud ibn al-Kabsh al-Garnati al-Ma’iz, called Ma’az, to join the Order of the Laurel.

Other Highlights:

  • Insert here

Feast Menu

The Bacon Fest.
You can pre-register for the event and feast here: Preregistration will close Tuesday March 19th.

COURSE ONE - Appetizers

Nuts & Dried Fruits (GF)(Vg)
Bacon Wrapped Dates (GF)
Marinated Olives (GF)(Vg)
Gluten Free Peasant Bread (GF)
Country White Bread (Vg)
Country Wheat Bread (Vg)
Whipped Butter (GF)(V)
Whipped Honey Butter (GF)(V)

COURSE TWO - Fried Foods

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs (GF)
Blueberry Sauce (GF)(Vg)
Falafel (GF)(Vg)
Hummus (GF)(Vg)
Tahini Sauce (GF)(Vg)


Bacon Wrapped Chicken Cordon Bleu (GF)
Maple Glazed Carrots (GF)(Vg)
Meatless Mushroom Balls (GF)(Vg)


Pickled Asparagus (GF)(Vg)
Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin (GF)
Saffron Rice (GF)(V)


Bourbon Bacon Brittle
Pecan Brittle
Pan Fried Apple Rings with Bacon Vanilla Ice Cream


Price: $15, Limit 100 seats
GF – Gluten Free, V – Vegetarian, Vg – Vegan

Questions? Please email the Feast Steward HL Skallagrímr Bárðarson (Robert Welch)

Photos & Videos:

  • Insert here

Comments and Impressions:

  • Insert here


Note that uploading images is restricted to logged-in "members" of the wiki. Contact sofya @ calontiri dot info, or FB Lisa Sofya Kies.

This is not an official document of the Kingdom of Calontir or the Society of Creative Anachronism.  Please note that all contributions to Calontiri Wiki may be altered by other contributors.  Do not submit copyrighted work here without permission!  Contact the editor-in-chief,, for any concerns.