Gulf Wars 2024

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North end of Gulf Wars site 2024

General Information

  • Date:
  • Location:
  • Royalty:
  • Theme:
  • Event Flyers:

Camping Info

A few things of note this year for Gulf Wars.

1. We will have section leaders again this year for opening weekend, if you are confused or are having problems finding a place to camp, find a section leader (just ask around for them) and they will help you find as best a place to camp as is available.

2. Royal encampments and access roads will be marked with white paint on the ground. Please do not camp in or on those locations. The access roads are there to allow people to camp further in to Calontir Land.

3. TRASH!!!!!!!! This year Kings Arrow Ranch has decided to NOT have localized (camp) trash drop off. There will be 4 trash deposits located throughout the Gulf Site. The closest one to Calontir will be close to the North Gate (please look on the Gulf Map) next to the RV camping. (SEE attached Map)

  • To that end, Mast Alan of Darkdale has graciously offered let Calontir utilize his trailer for a localized trash deposit, throughout the war. It will be located where the old Trash drop was in previous years.
  1. ALL TRASH NEEDS TO BE IN BAGS - please don't make us have to bag up your trash to take it out
  2. ANY MESSY TRASH should be double bagged.
  3. Please be kind this is a gracious offer from Master Alan.
  • The trailer will periodically be taken to one of the trash dumps throughout the war, if you would like to help with this, please contact Master Alan once you are on site.
  • The trailer will NOT be available from Noon on the last Friday. After 12noon you will be required to police up and deposit your trash in one of the 4 main trash dumps.

4. Opening weekend can get hectic, please do not dally setting up your camp. As long as your car is parked on Calontir Land, someone else can not camp there.

Please cross post this to all local groups for maximum dispersion.

See you at War! YIS Aiden


At Gulf Wars, we’ll be auctioning off an amazing drum painted by Mia Sem'iyye Bint Tahir for the Known World BBQ contest at Lilies 2024. The silent auction will run the length of Gulf Wars, and close after the Known World Party. Details at Auction at Gulf Wars on the Falcon Banner

Calontir Party

Calontir's 40th Birthday Cake - gold frosting with purple decoration!

For those who don’t know me, my name is HL Allison of Forgotten Sea. I am the organizer for the Calontir Party at Gulf Wars this year! The party will be on Thursday evening at 9 PM in the Calontir Courtyard and Purple Pavilion. I have submitted the information to the Gulf Wars scheduler, so we should be on the Master Schedule soon!

What’s the theme? Calontir’s 40th Birthday Bash!

We will be doing purple and gold streamers, balloons, party favors, games, and food! We will also be having a bar, but are looking into only doing some signature drinks. What do we need? How can you help?

  • We will need two incenitrons for lighting - does anyone have some they could bring to Gulf Wars?
  • We will need several bartenders.
  • We will need setup and cleanup help.
  • Tables for food and the bar.
  • DONATIONS! (Party decorations, $$ for decorations and alcohol, any fun games you feel would help to increase the vibe of the party!)

Ysabel Michelle Araj will be in charge of food for the party and I am in charge of the decorations, games, and bar.

If you would like to donate your time, alcohol, money, or decorations, please shoot me a PM on facebook or send me an email at allison @ lewis-neff dot net.

We are excited and are looking forward to celebrating with all of you, too!

From Ysabel:

  • In order to better track and plan I’ve made a form for people bringing food or supplies to fill out.

King’s Arrow Ranch Gulf Wars 2024 Dinner Menu

Saturday, March 9th - Spaghetti, Garlic or French Bread

Sunday, March 10th - Boston Butt, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Roll

Monday, March 11th - Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll

Tuesday, March 12th - 4 Hard or Soft Tacos with Lettuce and Tomato, Salsa, Sour Cream

Wednesday, March 13th - Red Beans and Rice with Sausage, Squash, Turnip Greens, Cornbread

Thursday, March 14th - BBQ Chicken Legs, Potato Casserole, Field Peas, Roll

Friday, March 15th - Shrimp Casserole, Roasted Bussell Sprouts and Sweet Potatoes, Garlic or French Bread

Saturday, March 16th - Hamburger Steak with Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Carrots, Roll

All come with a drink.

We will be selling Meal Tickets. $15/plate, $100/every day dinner plate, $40 for 3 meals

Unofficial Court Report:

On the field Tuesday March 12:

Grete Leysin – Golden Calon Swan

Orren Tokesson – Sword of Calontir

On the field Wednesday March 13:

Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir – Pelican

On the field Thursday March 14:

Gunnar Thorisson – Iren Fyrd

Selene of Lesbos – Iren Fyrd

Agathon of Three Rivers – Iren Fyrd

In Royal Court Thursday evening:

Albrecht von Trier – Cross of Calontir

Njall Thorsteinsson – AoA

Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – Boga Fyrd

Riberlin Halderman – AoA

Matthias Worcestershire – Calon Lily

Morgana MacDermott – Torse

Mielikkä Koiviston – AoA

Hirsch Ross Eichman – Stile Fyrd

Robert Steven MacLaren, dictus The Scot – Stile Fyrd

Kolfinna Halvgrimsdottir – Queen’s Chalice

Olaf Thorvaldr – Queen’s Chalice

Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora – Queen’s Chalice

Ragnar of Crystal Mynes – AoA

Torquil MacGruder – Torse AND Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy

Eowyth þa Siðend – Golden Calon Swan

Hieronymus – Stile Hirth

Jaki Úlfsfæter – AoA

Lyra of Spinning Winds – Torse

Gilcrist Wallace – AoA

Seán Huniman – Golden Calon Swan

Reinmar of Shattered Crystal – Iren Fera

Lora Greymare – Iren Fera

Phaedra filia Roberti – Pelican

Other court tidings:

Exile was pronounced against Marcus Brutius Leonitus Daemonium.

5 newcomers received mugs.

A boon was begged for Master Jürgen Weiter von Landstuhl to join the Order of Chivalry.

The Fourth Company received embroidered patches in appreciation of their work.

Ansteorra gave Calontir their battle banner; it’s the first time it has gone out of Ansteorra.

Master Ravasz János won a War Point for winning the Gulf Wars War Bard competition.

Sir Sato Jirö won a War Point for winning the Gulf Wars Jousting.

Mistress Gabriella von Fredrichstahl received a new Torse scroll, to replace her lost one.

The Populace received War Pay.

Other Highlights:

  • For Calontir ❤️ HRM Ansteorra presents the Falcon Army with the Ansteorran War Banner! (They give the war banner to groups that fight fiercely for Ansteorra in war and the group applies their arms to the banner once it's returned. This is the first time that the banner has left Ansteorra to another kingdom.)

Photos & Videos:

Comments and Impressions:

Calontir I would bring news of valor, courtesy and chivalry from the Viking deed as an expat. One of my Æthelmearc brothers fell in battle and could not move. He was carried off the field by two Calontiri. They are Finar and Gunnar (apologies for any spelling errors). Gareth Whitebull sustained heavy bruising but while now extremely sore, is able to bear weight on his leg.

This. This springing to action, staying with the wounded while their army fought on is true Calontir... Gentlemen, my debt of gratitude for helping a fallen brother holds... In Service, THL Erzebet Fauconneau, Barony of Blackstone Mountain, Æthelmearc

Home from Gulf Wars without issue, truck unloaded and laundry in process. This was my first Gulf and I can fully see why this war is loved by so many. I am humbled and honored that Their Majesties felt that I was worthy to be added to the Iren Fyrd. Words cannot properly convey my gratitude. In Service, Gunnar Thorisson

Home from our home at Gulf Wars, and it was marvelous! Thank you Queen Rhianwen Joan and King David for inducting me into the order of the Stile Fyrd, and thank you sisters and brothers for deeming me worthy. I'm humbled and proud in the same breath, and I will always strive to be worthy. Many thanks to everyone who shared a story or moment with me, those made my war exceptional. It was wonderful seeing so many friends from near and far, and making me ones. -Hirsch

Thank you Calontir for letting me camp with you all at Gulf Wars. It was great to recharge with my Calontir Family. -Adrielle

Calontir's 40th Birthday Party was a success! So many hands made really light work of this year's party! As we drive home from war (Miranda is driving) I'd like to thank several folx! Ysabel was the perfect partner in party planning! She and her team were fantastic! There was SO much food! There was some period food and some modern - but ALL of it was fantastic. Ysabel apparently won the war for having grilled cheese sandwiches at Gulf Wars. I, personally, had like 6 grilled cheese sandwiches BY MYSELF! The food was incredible and the system they set up to refill food containers for party-goers was FLAWLESS... to say the least. Thank you to everyone who helped with the food!

For alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, thank you to everyone who donated booze and mixers! The Iren-Hirth even supplied lots of specific alcohol for pre-mixed drinks! I'm sorry I can't name you all. Miranda Lewis-Neff set up and ran the bar, making it easy to handle and organized! Thank you, baby! Bartenders were Josh Lumière Heard, Shadow, Bjarm Cullum Hanson, Jim Janicki Augustine, Miranda, John Sachs Johan, and Vanessa Cook (Aoefe). They kept everyone in great spirits all night! Thank you so much!

Special thanks to Gretchen Allen Johns, Countess Gwen, for setting up the "do not dehydrate" station with water and Gatorade, as well! This made it easy to get water so quickly! Genius! Setup, decorating, and teardown went so smoothly and beautifully! Matt German Germanicus, Phaedra Wilson and Lily Wilson, John Sachs (Johan), Bjarm, Aoefe, and *especially Lumiere* and many many more people who helped! Thank you so much for everything you did!!

Thank you to everyone who brought up your tables for us to be able to have the huge beautiful spread that turned up! You are the real MVPs! Thank you to Amy Harvey for donating the beautiful table coverings! They were even better than the photos!

Thank you to the Barony of Forgotten Sea and Fernando Vigil for use of the incinitrons! They lit up our Courtyard so beautifully! Also, thank you to Lothar Der Rot for allowing us to use his propane tank when one of ours stopped working. Finally, thank you to Their Majesties and Highnesses for trusting me to handle organizing my first party and basically giving me free reign to play how Ysabel and I wanted to. I hope you all had a beautiful war! I am sure I am forgetting people, but please know I am eternally grateful for all you do!

In service, HL Allison of Forgotten Sea

I would like to thank Allinoria, Riberlan, Lothar Der Rot, Allison, Genevieve, Cathy Popovitch Glueck, Ulfr, Esther, Gawin, and Zoe for all their amazing help on Thursday night. These people helped me set up and stayed for much if not all of the night during the party. I also want to thank all of the people that came out of the woodwork to contribute food and lend their tables. I know I'm missing a person or two, there was at least one gentle that helped organize right after court and I'm afraid I never caught his name, I also wish to think that person. I could not have done it without all of you.


My heart is so full Calontir. It was such an honor to join my chosen family at Gulf for the past week. I want to thank everyone that came out and joined me on the steel field. We had around 40 fighters on day one! I hope you all have cherished memories as I do. I also want to extend thanks to the amazing 4th company for providing us (and fighters of other kingdoms) with delicious drinks and snacks on the field and then warming our bellies when we returned to the purple pavilion after battle. You made all the difference and I thank you from the bottom of my heart Selene Iji and Kristina Griffith for leading the charge. Thank you to their majesties for giving me the opportunity and privilege to lead our steel army on the battlefield. Konall was an amazing general and I’m so honored to have served by you. You’re truly inspirational. And finally, huge thank you to Xerxis for being my XO. He sacrificed so much of his time for our community and gave me strength where I had weakness. -Nadya Helming

Fourth Company Patch

4th Company, I salute you!!! Thank you from The bottom of our hearts to all those who helped out 4th Company through their physical labors or donations of goods and services. It takes many hands, thank you for being a part of a successful gulf war!! Love and hugs to each of you. THANK YOU! from Genevieve and Selene

Calontir I want to thank you. After catching whatever plague Set had sent after me the 2nd/3rd day of war so many of you took the time to check up on me. It means more than you will ever know. -Your Calontiri Egyptian, Nakhthor

Good afternoon, Calontir! Your friendly, neighborhood siege marshal coming to you here as we wind down at Gulf Wars. I have not had the chance to be in the pavilion as much as I wanted to be due to a very full schedule but I wanted to make sure that I spread the word about the amazing things that have happened with siege here.

After some clarification from the society earl marshal, we learned that we are able to run authorizations at war when we had originally thought we would be unable to. So I spread the word as fast as I could and we have so far authorized four more Calontiri and six others from out of kingdom, bringing us to a total of 16 authorized siege engineers in Calontir.

I have a few people that I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for: First and foremost to Their Majesties and the entire populace for the validation and encouragement for all of the work that I’ve put into this program. It was nothing short of incredible and humbling to hear the words spoken in court and to know that siege is not going unnoticed. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for seeing and appreciating this program.

Secondly to Shadow Legion and to the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann for their incredible support to siege and their continued dedication to helping us grow in our community. Shadow Legion loaned us a trebuchet for the battle on Tuesday and had the battle not been canceled today, we would have been operating two of them. It was so incredible to finally get to experience operating on the field supporting our army and seeing the joy on the faces of the engineers. I was unable to see a good chunk of the shots from inside of the castle, but I counted at least a dozen of them that found a mark in the opposing army.

And finally, to those engineers out on the field. To Vels Lucas for being the excellent spotter keeping watch in our minimum range and calling out hazards. To Lewis Blakely for doing some of the fastest loading I’ve ever seen. It is because of him that we were able to get so many shots out during the battle. And to Robert S. Botkin and Court Dyke for the most consistent and perfect shots on a weapon that none of the operators had ever touched before the battle. And when the opposing army eventually came through the gate, every one of them picked up their weapons and followed me out to defend their trebuchet. Their accomplishments on the battlefield that day were the most inspiring and deserved to be known by those that may not have seen them.

You all help remind me why I do this and I have never had more fun on the battlefield than I did that day. Thank you all for everything you’ve done to help support this program and show everyone just how cool these amazing machines are.

Yours in Service and Gratitude, Morgana

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