Ayisha bint Asad

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Baroness Ayisha bint Asad

formerly Aisha bint Assad


History in the SCA:


  • Started attending BFS fighter practices in Summer 2012
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
    • 1st event, Feast of Eagles 2013
    • BFS Baronial Colors from Baron Duncan Bruce of Logan & Baroness Ylva Jonsdottir at The Last Ceilidh, 2015-04-18
    • Order of the Escallop from Baron Soren atte Raven & Baroness Rowan del Wiche, 2016-09-21
    • Ayisha.jpg
      Belted as protege to Master Mathurin Kerbusso, Kris Kinder, 2016-12-10
    • Order of the Silver Griffin from Baron Soren atte Raven & Baroness Rowan del Wiche at Horse and Falcon, 2017-05-29
    • Spirit of Gallantry from Baron Soren atte Raven & Baroness Rowan del Wiche at Playing with Fire, 2017-09-30
    • Kingdom C&T Champion, reign of Donngal Eriksson & Catalina de Arazuri II, Jan 2019 - July 2019
    • Master William Blackfox Award Winner, Best Regular Feature, AS LIII (53)
    • Nominee for Best Regular Feature in the Master William Blackfox Awards, AS LIV (54)
    • Order of the Trident Tree from Baron Gerald Kendall and Baroness Alianora Jehannette des Amandiers at Kingdom A&S, 2022-07-16
    • Queen's Champion, reign of Duncan Bruce of Logan & Ylva Jonsdottir II, October 2022-April 2023
    • Order of the Escallop from Baron Gerald Kendall and Baroness Alianora Jehannette des Amandiers at Unslung Heroes, 2023-04-22
    • See Calontir OP for Kingdom-level awards - http://op.calontir.org/persona.php?p=4420

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group: Barony of Forgotten Sea
  • Previous Groups:
  • Other Affiliations: Protege to Master Mathurin Kerbusso (2016 - 2023, elevated)


  • Local Offices:
    • BFS Webminister, July 2016-July 2018
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
    • Royal Scribe for Damien & Issabell II
    • Royal Scribe for Agamemnon Platylithodae & Marie le Faivre
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:
    • C&T Marshal
    • Deputy for the C&T Melee Experiment
    • Co-event steward for Playing with Fire, Sept 2017
    • Merchant Coordinator for Kris Kinder 2017-2019

Other Information

Vignettes from the Frozen Gulf - courtesy of the Falcon Banner

The Making of a Scroll: Pelican Scroll for Alessandra de Piro - courtesy of the Falcon Banner

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where your friends can add accomplishments and comments about things you're too modest to share,

Matthias Worchestshire's Lily Scroll


Great word Fame to Nadya Helming for making the iron gall ink, to Galen MacColmain for a fantastic text, and to Ayisha Bint Asad for beautiful calligraphy.

The choices made for receiving a writ as my Calon Lily scroll were absolutely spot on for me and I am so humbled. Illumination is beautiful, but this particular scroll illustrated (pun intended) the beauty of our Scribal craft beyond just the illumination. Wonderful job and may your works continue to inspire myself and hopefully many others.


Note that uploading images is restricted to logged-in "members" of the wiki. Contact sofyalarus @ calontiri dot info, or FB Lisa Sofya Kies.

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