Gwen A'Brook

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Per saltire Or and sable, a saltire between in pale two roses and in fess two lobsters counterchanged. Image from Calontir Armorial

Countess Gwen A'Brooke

Gwendolyn A'Brook - is what is registered. I never go by Gwendolyn, always Gwen.


History in the SCA:


  • Started in An Tir in 1990. First event was the crown tournament that resulted in the 1st reign of Gunnarr And Gabriell, 18th king and queen of An Tir.
  • Moved to Calontir in 1996.
  • 62nd Queen of Calontir
  • Started Lobster Rose Pottery in 2017

Link to Calontir OP -

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group:
    • Barony of Forgotten Sea
  • Previous Groups:
    • Cum An Iolar
    • College of Hraesvelgr (An Tir - Now Lyonsmarche)
  • Guilds, Households, etc:
    • Calontir Cook's Guild
    • Teulu A'Brooke (Personal Household)


  • Local Offices:
    • Current : None
    • Past:
      • Cum An Iolar Seneschal
      • Cum An Iolar Exchequer
      • Forgotten Sea A&S
  • Regional Offices:
    • None
  • Kingdom Offices:
    • Current:
      • Waiver Secretary
    • Past:
      • Master Scheduler for the Ministry of Arts and Sciences
      • Park Liasion for Clay County Parks
      • Kingdom Reeve
  • SCA-wide Offices:
    • None
  • Other service:
    • Head of Kingdom Cook's Guild (twice)
    • Head of Lilies A&S (one year, don't remember which)
    • Lilies Royal Liaison (2023)

Other Information

  • Interests:
    • Pottery
    • Cooking

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