Øyríkr Raðúlfsson
Full name with preferred title here
- Yurick Grunesson, Oyrikr Raoulfsson, Øyrík Bardagatroll
- Pronunciation guide:
- Alternate/former/use names: Yorik
- Armorial - http://armorial.calontir.org/Pages/populace.htm
- Order of Precedence - http://op.calontir.org/
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Rat out a Friend
It is the duty of all jarls of established halls to watch the fighting men around them for deeds of epic proportion and when an individual stands out to reward the warrior with both wordfame and praise so that others know of their Heroic Efforts. At the Viking Raid at Gulf War, such a man stood out amoung all the wolf-feeders present. I watched a Huscarl's axe strike swiftly and fiercely, obliterating foe after foe and ensuring the defeat of the opposing army. Again and again, Øyríkr Radúlfsson's axe rained down and clove heads from the warriors who were woefully unprepared to match the skill of a rampaging berserk. His axe dealt death while no iron could touch him.....the Eye of Odin was upon him....those with the sight could see the Valkeries gleefully smiling, singing his praise on swift wings while reaping those that he sent to their waiting arms. While such skill is expected of a Huscarl of the Heartlands, this man stood out and impressed this old riddari (a feat in itself as anyone that knows me will attest) enough that on the spot I chose to brand this savage warrior with a name. After consulting with my sage, proudly and publicly do I, Halfgrimr hafreki, Jarl of Stormhavn, name him Øyrík Bardagatroll (BARD-a-ya-troll) which translates to battle troll! (Badargi-Øyrík is an acceptable alternative as well) As is tradition amongst my people, if you give a name you must govern a gift as well. I searched the merchants at Gulf and eventually found a fitting gift for a warrior of such station and presented it to him at the Coronation of Elias de Jaye and Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora. Pay heed all warriors seeking renown, watch this man on the field, seek him out, test yourself at the end of his blade. Seek to emulate his worth, his skill and the ease with which he feeds the ravens, for this man is the example of what a Huscarl should be.
- penned 03/23/24
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