Mad Dogs and Englishmen 2023

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Revision as of 09:35, 14 October 2023 by Sofya (talk | contribs) (→‎Unofficial Court Report:)
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General Information

  • Date:
  • Location:
  • Royalty:
  • Theme:
  • Event Flyers:


  • Event Steward aka Autocrat:
  • Co-Autocrat (assistant, deputy often serves as Event Steward next year):
  • Gate/Troll (x2 at least, can't be Exchequer):
  • Site Boss (site set-up/maintenance/tear-down):
  • Feast Steward:
  • Inn (lunch, sometimes breakfast/brunch):
  • Hall Steward (set up for feast):
  • Head Server:
  • Fighting MIC:
  • Cut & Thrust MIC:
  • Archery MIC:
  • Thrown Weapons:
  • Equestrian MIC:
  • Health and Welfare (waterbearing/first aid):
  • A&S coordinator:
  • Merchant Coordinator:
  • Youth Activities (x2):
  • Publicity:
  • Royal Liason:

Arts and Sciences




Unofficial Court Report:

In afternoon court:

Robert Steven MacLaren and Heidi Anne Draper were invested as the new Baron and Baroness of Vatavia.

Tove Brianesdohter – Silver Hammer

Yang Shaoyun – Golden Calon Swan

Olaf Thorvaldr – Iren Hirth

Asher Whitby – AoA

Murdoch MacLachlan – Torse

Lyra of Spinning Winds – Calon Lily

Izza al Zarqa – Laurel

On the field:

Øyríkr Raðúlfsson – Iren Hirth

Other court tidings:

Lord Murdoch MacLachlan accepted gifts from Their Majesties, meant for the Steward and staff of the event.

His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Cut & Thrust Warlord tourney.

4 newcomers received mugs.

Celeste Sevenstar won the Pickles in Any Medium Arts & Science competition.

Lord Charles von Bayrreuth won the lower division armored combat tournament.

Honorable Lord Kennocht Armstrang won the upper division armored combat tournament.

Other Highlights:

  • Insert here

Feast Menu

First Remove, etc.

Photos & Videos:

  • Insert here

Comments and Impressions:

  • Insert here

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