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Crown: Rise now, Isengrim, as a Peer of Calontir, and join your brothers and sisters. Calontir, your newest Laurel!  
Crown: Rise now, Isengrim, as a Peer of Calontir, and join your brothers and sisters. Calontir, your newest Laurel!  

==Laurel Scroll==
==Laurel Scroll==

Latest revision as of 20:12, 5 July 2024


HE Master Isengrim Sleggja[edit | edit source]

Pronunciation guide, alternate/former names, use names, etc.

Persona:[edit | edit source]

History in the SCA:[edit | edit source]

  • Timeline:
    • When started in SCA
    • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
      • Invited to join the Order of the Laurel on 9 April 2016
      • Elevated to the Order of the Laurel on 11 June 2016
    • Link to Calontir OP -
  • Groups and Affiliations:
    • Current Group:
    • Previous Groups:
    • Guilds, Households, etc:
  • Offices:
    • Local Offices:
    • Regional Offices:
    • Kingdom Offices:
    • SCA-wide Offices:
    • Other service:

Other Information[edit | edit source]

Websites, photo-sharing, etc.

Laureling[edit | edit source]

Posted by Grimwulf Harland:

On the day of Saturday, June 11, [2016] I begged the boon to Their Royal Majesties Matsunaga Carl and Elena Danielle on behalf of Baron Isengrim Sleggja Donald, to elevate him into the Order of the Laurel.

This is the ceremony, which was initially researched by Her Grace Maerwynn of Holme, for Aoibheann Palsdottir's Elevation some ten years ago.

Isen’s Laurel Ceremony[edit | edit source]

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Herald: Here opens the Court of Their Majesties Matsunaga and Elena, Cynig and Cwen of Calontir at home in Their highseat. Let the Althing be set up here today with all right and rent that a law-Court ought to have according to law. Let the assembled sit at the Thing with quiet and seemly behavior, and let no one go away till the Thing is closed. All are forbidden to waken battle or debate. No one save the Crown shall take either weapon or drink into the Law-court, and all are forbidden to make any brawling or babbling.

Let us now hold this Thing and all others so that it be to the honour of ourselves that are now come together here, and to the peace and profit, fruit and freedom of the Kingdom of Calontir, and of our heirs and aftercomers, and as an everlasting example in all good things.

Crown: <any opening stuff>

Herald: Their Majesties would hear the petition of Grimwulf Harland.

<Grimwulf, his witnesses, and qwestors come forth.>

Grimwulf: Your Majesties, I am Grimwulf Harland, Striker of Silver, member of the circle of the Laurel, raised from the service of Your Peer Thorkell Sigurdsson to Peer-rights by Your ancestors Martino and Ariel, and now oath-bound to You, my Cynig and Cwen Matsunaga and Elena of the Falcon Host. I come in both fealty, friendship, and love for You, For this land, and Your people. I would bring a petition as umboðsmaðr, as advocate, for Isengrim Sleggja.

Crown: <Crown Responds (adjusted from the normal: in fealty it is yours)> Herald, call the candidate forth that he might hear the words spoken on his behalf.

Herald: Baron Isengrim Sleggja, the apprentice of Grimwulf Harland, who was himself the apprentice of Thorkell Sigurdsson, who, in his time, called no man ‘master.’

<Isengrim and peerage speakers who are not laurels come forth>

Grimwulf: I, Grimwulf, name Agamemnon Platylithodae and Dammo Utweiler to witness that I invited Matsunaga and Elena, King and Queen of Calontir, to hear my presentation of this case. I swear that I bring this petition properly on behalf of Baron Isengrim Sleggja, weilder of a hammer of silver, renowned for the smithing of fearsome blades, maker of rings that his Crown may honor Their people, honored by kings for openhanded service. I petition that he be led into the CalonLaw, into the circle of artisans of the order of the Laurel, and have the station and respect due to him by virtue of his skills, services, and accomplishments. His voice belongs among those heard by Crowns, not only of this land, but of the World as we know it. I call on my witnesses to affirm that I proclaimed this petition in the hearing of all at the Law Rock [or Law Hill or by daylight—depending on the site] that I might speak it in the court of the Heartland—its lawful location.

Agamemnon: Meistari Grimwulf named me and Dammo Utweiler as witness and me as his second witness, my name is Jarl Agamemnon Platylithodae. He named us to witness that he gave notice of this petition that Isengrim Sleggja be brought into the Calon Law, and into the circle of the order of the Laurel.

Dammo: He gave this lawful notice in hearing of all at the Law Rock [or Law Hill or by daylight—depending on the site], in the same words he used here today, and asked that it be heard in the court of the Heartland. We have now given our witness correctly, and we are both in agreement on it.

Crown: This is proper and within the law. Let the circle of the Laurel be called forth to hear the merits of this case. Herald: Their Majesties request the presence of the circle of artisans of the order of the Laurel from this land and all others. At least 12, as is proper by law.

<laurels come>

Grimwulf: Your Majesties and assembled judges, I ask for a bua-cuiðar, a folkquest. I call on the five folkmen whom I summoned for this petition to announce their findings on Isengrim’s merits and worthiness for this station. I make this lawful request in the court so that the judges can hear it from one end of the court to the other.

Crown: Please do so as is in keeping with the law.

Grimwulf: I call upon Jarl Fernando Rodriguez de Falcon, Artisan, Warrior, and Ring-giver.

Fernando: <Own words about Isen’s merits)

Grimwulf: I call upon Meistari Thomas Mailer, Leaf-wearer and supplier of fine goods.

Thomas: <own words about Isen’s merits>

Grimwulf: I call upon Hersir Duncan Fearmach MacLeod, Head-cleaver and Hammer bearer.

Duncan: <own words about Isen’s Merits>

Grimwulf: I call Katherine von Heilige, Hrægelþegn Calontire.

Kat: <own words about Isen’s merits>

Grimwulf: I call Avery Quatremaine, Lily bearer.

Avery: <own words about Isen’s merits>

Grimwulf: I, Grimwulf Harland, take a lawful oath and swear that this man will keep the laws as any that keep them well, and I swear that he wishes to be in the Law and conduct himself as a Peer of this Thing should. May the world be wrath with them that deny this. Your Majesties, thus have I proclaimed my case before this court, and I now ask that proper judgement be executed: that Isengrim, my youngest son, be brought into CalonLaw and admitted to the Circle of the Laurel to take his place among the peers of Calontir. Crown: Do those already present in the Laurel circle judge that this case is sound and that this judgement is merited?

Gillian Warrender: We believe this man should be one of us, but is this good law?

Crown: Call forth the Lawspeaker!

Herald: The Lawspeaker, Her Royal Highness Ylva, is called before this court to speak the law.

Ylva Lawspeaker: There are more great lawyers in this land than I thought. I must tell you that this is so correct in every point that no objection can be brought against it. This is good law. [Can add own words](Direct quote from Njal’s Saga)

Gillie: Then we of the circle ask that this be done.

Crown: We agree. However, Isengrim, you must know that to take your place within the circle of Peers is not an easy task. Hear what it is to serve.

Crown Hertogafru Isabeau, would you speak for those who have ruled?

Isabeau Beauyeux: <own words about royal peer>

Crown: Proconsul Lucian, would you speak for the circle of warriors?

Lucian Fidelis: <own words about chivalry>

Crown: Greifynja Comyn, would you speak for the circle who serves?

Shadow: <own words about pelican>

Crown: Hertogafru Magdalena, would you speak for the circle of artisans?

Magda vander Meere: <own words about Laurel>

Crown: Isengrim, having heard these words, is it still your desire to take your place among the peers of Calontir.

Isengrim: It is.

Crown: Let the law oath be sworn.

Isengrim: (in place of the “I swears”)

I, Isengrim Sleggja, swear that I will keep the laws,
I will honor and defend this land and its king and queen,
I will conduct myself as a Peer of this Thing should,
and I will continue as a smith of great wordfame, sharing my skills with any who would learn.
Thus swear I, Isengrim Sleggja.

Crown: We accept this oath. Isengrim, it is right and proper that you be clothed as a peer of Our realm, and today We give You Our gifts.

Crown: Alan, bring a wreath to adorn him.

Alan Darkdale : <own words about wreath>

Crown: Aoibheann, you have a cloak to clothe him?

Aoibheann Palsdottir: <own words about cloak>

Crown: Luckie, bring forth the medallion.

Luckie of Falcon's Keep: <own words about medallion> <Hand medallion to Crown.>

Crown: Know now that We, Matsunaga and Elena, do recognize Isengrim Sleggja as within our Law and a member of the circle of the Laurel. Accept from Our Hand that which your skills and devotion have brought you.

King: May your skills ever be increased and offered in service to Calontir and the Society.

Queen: May your comportment ever serve as an example of gentle courtesy and humility.

Crown: And may your spirit ever follow after the goals your heart has set before you.

Crown: Isengrim, do you now wish to be oath-bound to Us as a Peer of Calontir?

Isengrim: Yes.

Isengrim: Swears fealty on sword. (Would be Norse-er to swear on the hilt rather than the blade, but up to You!.) Norse-ish “fealty” oath:

Here do I swear a lawful oath on the sword,
I will protect, defend, and serve the CalonLaw, Konungatal and Konungríki,
I vow to maintain the World as we know it,
and bring wordfame to the circle of the Laurel by being generous with my knowledge and skills.
As long as fire burns; earth grows;
child calls to mother, and mother bears children;
as long as folk kindle fire; ships sail; shields glint; snow lies; and the sun shines;
as long as the wind blows; and waters fall to the sea;
and as long as the Falcon flies the long spring day, with a fair wind behind him on wings outspread.
So swear I, Isengrim Meistari Sleggja.

Crown: Response

Crown: Rise now, Isengrim, as a Peer of Calontir, and join your brothers and sisters. Calontir, your newest Laurel!


Laurel Scroll[edit | edit source]

On Falcon’s Field
Fought Calon host.
In weapons’ weather
Grew flowers of white.
Called then the queen
Her Laurel-craftsmen;
Upon the green ground
They gathered and spake:
“Hear of, hearth-comrades,
Wolf-iron’s hand-craft,
Skill-son cunning
of smith owl-wise:
Brightest of blades
For toil and battle;
Gifts of bright gold
For allies to gain;
For raven-feeders,
Forge-hardened war-garb;
For honored jarls,
High, snow-gleaming crowns.
Such tale of toil
Told throughout Midgard
Marks one who merits
A maker-leafed brow.”
Roused in regard
The ring-laden queen
Spake doom-sayings
Graven with stones:
“With gifts granted
We mark great deeds.
Rise, robe-laden,
To laurel-wreath.”

Matsunaga, Cynig Elena, Cwen

Scroll text by Baron Aldred Lyccidfelth


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