Queen's Prize 2024: Difference between revisions

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* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VTZfB_gokLFgOO2psNeTm4fSa8XZqkzv/view Entrants' Schedule]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VTZfB_gokLFgOO2psNeTm4fSa8XZqkzv/view Entrants' Schedule]



Revision as of 14:25, 4 May 2024

General Information

  • Date: 26 April
  • Location:
  • Royalty:
  • Theme:
  • Event Flyers:
  • Event Steward aka Autocrat:

Arts and Sciences




  • MIC

Armored Combat

  • MIC

Cut & Thrust

  • MIC


  • MIC

Unofficial Court Report:

In evening court:

Chiaretta da Chachavo – Golden Calon Swan

Sigvarðr Skarfr – Torse

Deborah Landis – AoA

Frithuswith inghean Ui Cremthainn – Golden Calon Swan

Mkty Nakhthor – Golden Calon Swan

Eva Piccardi – Torse

Other court tidings:

A temporary removal from participation was pronounced against Roland of Mag Mor.

Mistress Gyða glóra will be the next Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.

Mistress Gianna Viviani encouraged everyone to enter and attend the Kingdom A&S Championship event in Lost Moor next September.

Mistress Gianna announced the winners of the day:

Populace Choice – Lord Seathrún Brock

Judges’ Choice – Lord Farulfr Orðlokarr

Her Majesty Adalyde gave the Queen’s Prize to Lady Eawynn ingen Broccáin.

Peers, Nobles and commons swore fealty, each in turn, according to their Order.

7 newcomers received mugs.

Mistress Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh and Lady Gabrielle des Chats Noirs brought news of the upcoming RUSH Camping Edition.

Other Highlights:

  • Insert here

Feast Menu

First Remove, etc.

Photos & Videos:

  • Insert here

Comments and Impressions:

  • Insert here


Note that uploading images is restricted to logged-in "members" of the wiki. Contact sofya @ calontiri dot info, or FB Lisa Sofya Kies.

This is not an official document of the Kingdom of Calontir or the Society of Creative Anachronism.  Please note that all contributions to Calontiri Wiki may be altered by other contributors.  Do not submit copyrighted work here without permission!  Contact the editor-in-chief, sofya@calontiri.info, for any concerns.