Juan Macías de Alarcón: Difference between revisions

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* When started in SCA:  
* When started in SCA:  
* Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
* Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
* add something...
* Inducted into the Order of the Pelican in the reign of Asgeirr Gunnarsson & Miriam bat Yehudah (1986) for "Treason to the Middle Kingdom in the form of working to help Calontir secede".

'''Groups and Affiliations:'''
'''Groups and Affiliations:'''

Latest revision as of 21:00, 5 July 2024

Image courtesy the Memorial Shield Project.
Master Juan and Gaston (the garb) at a Crystal Ball, probably in the '90's.

Full name with preferred title here[edit | edit source]

  • Pronunciation guide:
  • Alternate/former/use names:
  • Armorial & Order of Precedende - https://www.calontir.org/persona/1580
  • Arms: Per chevron indented sable semy of annulets Or, and Or, in base on a sun sable semy of annulets Or, an annulet Or.

Persona:[edit | edit source]

  • Who, what, where?

History in the SCA:[edit | edit source]


  • When started in SCA:
  • Significant events since then (competitions, championships, tourneys, first event, etc.)
  • Inducted into the Order of the Pelican in the reign of Asgeirr Gunnarsson & Miriam bat Yehudah (1986) for "Treason to the Middle Kingdom in the form of working to help Calontir secede".

Groups and Affiliations:

  • Current Group:
  • Previous Groups:
  • Guilds, Households, etc:


  • Local Offices:
  • Regional Offices:
  • Kingdom Offices:
  • SCA-wide Offices:
  • Other service:

Other Information[edit | edit source]

About the photo:

  • Took me a bit to find the picture, but it's a "Calontir history 2-fer." The garb he is wearing was made by Master Robert Sartor von Pays-Bas. The GARB is so snazzy (the picture doesn't really come anywhere close to doing it justice) that it has it's own name. When he wore this, it was "Master Juan and Gaston (the garb) are attending X event." This one was at a Crystal Ball, probably in the '90's. --Fiondel

In Memoriam[edit | edit source]

In Memorium – Master Juan Macias de Alarcon on the Falcon Banner

  • [He] invited us into the SCA, even paid our first event fees. This is the end of an era. --Kajsa Nikulasdotter
  • I know his memory will be a blessing, because it already is for me. I have cherished for almost forty years a memory of his Laurel masterwork demonstration, the famous soliloquy from "Richard III" done in carefully researched period style. His research methods have just changed. Now, he will be able to trot over to the Valhalla Shakespeare Company Theatre and chat up the original cast. Break a leg, Maestro Juan. --Jenna of SouthWind
  • I am stunned stupid and speechless. Juan was old and not well, but I thought of him as someone who would just always be there. And for many of us, I think he is - an eternal part of the history and evolution of Calontir. --David Tyndall
  • Juan dragged me to many events when I was a struggling young newbie, regaling me with stories (and gossip) of the early days of Calontir. So many nights gaming, holidays spent with chosen family, I am heart sick. Ochon! --Aed Mac Cormac
  • I am so sorry to hear this. Juan was one of the people I met in my very early days of the SCA, and he was indeed a driving force in the founding and formation of Calontir, as well as one of those who knew so much of its history. --Elasait
  • I am at a loss. He was my Laurel. He put a shy girl in a one of his plays. We talked often of doing a masterwork vs a bunch of related medieval things. --Mary Slainey Haselbauer
  • He really encouraged me after reading one of my Queens Prize entries, a poetic diary, knowing that written entries like mine rarely got the attention that more visually flashy entries received. I was feeling low because I had worked so hard on the piece and almost no one stopped to read it or even take a copy. He sat down and read the whole thing, and gave me some great feedback, even though he wasn't one of my judges. I'm still around because of that small act of kindness 19 years ago. Peace to his soul and those who he loved. --Ki no Kotori
    • I'm not surprised to hear it. Juan was a friend and a source of good advice to a lot of new members over the years. He has done much good, and little harm, but his kind nurturing of developing talent may have been his very best contributuion to the Society. --Christian d'Hiver
  • Oh, I’m so sorry. Just yesterday I realized it was the anniversary of losing Brummbar. And now Juan. He was one of the first people we met when we moved to Calontir. He was an eloquent sports writer, I remember him publishing in the River Front Times. --Bernadette O'Neill
  • For me Juan was one of the best parts of the Barony. He was smart and very talented. I was in several plays which he directed and learned much from him. Not just about acting but how to conduct oneself with grace and charm. At one point I requested to be his apprentice and after some time and observation he agreed but intervening circumstances no longer allowed me the time to go forward with it. --Jeffery Wilson
  • He was a friend and a true Renaissance man, interesting, passionate, humorous, and informative on a variety of topics. I remember he made the SCA seem welcoming and fascinating when I first started in the 80’s. He could talk SCA fighters the same way he analyzed baseball and I learned much about both from him. (Some pictures from back in the day…) --Robert Feldacker
  • He was kind to me and he danced with me. He will always have a special place in my heart. --Elspeth Stonehaven
  • A beautiful brilliant mind, his own man, delightfully difficult, I miss him already. One of the best of us. Old High Calontir. Journey onward my friend, to wonderful lands beyond. Remember us now and then. Blessings. --Craig Brown


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