Crown Tourney 2022, Fall

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General Information[edit | edit source]

Combatants and Consorts[edit | edit source]

This is the list of combatants and their consorts for Our Crown Tournament. This is a wonderful group of people willing and able to serve and lead Calontir. Our thanks to all of them for taking this on. -- TRM Logan & Ylva --

  • Count Agamemnon Platylithodae fighting for Mistress Marie le Faivre
  • Honorable Lord Jon Chesey fighting for Count Yseult de Michel
  • Honorable Lord Melchor Eichman fighting for Sir Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd
  • Sir Colin James MacLachlan fighting for Mistress Elianor de Morland
  • Lord Caleb Talbot fighting for Mistress Halimah Bint Abbas Al Tanji
  • Sir Duncan mac Torquill fighting for Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla
  • Lord Christopher Atrox fighting for Mistress Miranda Logansdottir
  • Honorable Lord Erik Tokesson fighting for Mistress Eoswyth þe Siðend
  • Master Jürgen Weiter von Landstuhl fighting for Mistress Helena Soranzo
  • Lord Gianlupo delle Bande Nere fighting for Mistress Giraude Benet
  • Lord Emerick Blackpool fighting for Mistress Anne Renarde
  • Sir Gaius Flavius Auxilius fighting for Mistress Alessandra de Piro
  • Sir Seamus Yanger fighting for Honorable Lady Mægwynn Attewode
  • Sir Ívarr fótviss fighting for Lady Solveg Melrakki
  • Honorable Lord Ronan MacKay fighting for Honorable Lady Brangwyn Steward
  • Honorable Lord Kjarr Mac Cuhal fighting for Lady Nghuala Ingen Ui Fallamhain
  • Lord Garsiyya al-Andalusi fighting for Honorable Lady Ysabel de la Oya
  • Lord Cian mac Lorccan ua Conaill fighting for Honorable Lady Vashti al-Ashariyah
  • Honorable Lord Orren Tokesson fighting for Lady Lyra of Spinning Winds
  • Honorable Lord Nathaniel Lennox fighting for Honorable Lady Agnes von Heidelberg
  • Lord Lawrence of Grimfells fighting for Lady Aoife Ingean UI Tormaigh

The order is based on the highest award granted to either the combattant or their consort.

Unofficial Court Report:[edit | edit source]

On the field during the tournament:

Christopher Atrox – Iren Hirth

Marcus Bruttius Leonitus Daemonium – Iren Fyrd

David de la Cloude – Iren Hirth

On the field after the tournament:

Count Agamemnon Platylithodae and Dame Marie le Faivre were invested as Prince and Princess of Calontir.

In the court of Vindheim:

Their Sanguine Highnesses Jean Paul and Gilyan awarded Sir Marcus de la Forest and Mistress Christiaen Janssen the Clavis of Vindheim.

Gifts were exchanged among Their Sanguine Highnesses, Their Majesties Calontir and Their Highnesses Calontir.

His Majesty Logan announced that Calontir will fight for Vindheim at Gulf Wars.

In Calontir court:

Lyra of Spinning Winds – Golden Calon Swan

Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh – Leather Mallet

Jacob Mac Cearan – Queen’s Chalice

Duncan Mac Torquill – Eo Fyrd

Aoibhe ingen Cearan – AoA

Kara of Grimfells – Golden Calon Swan

Faustus Cantilius Lupus – Calon Cross

Other court tidings:

The event stewards shared news of the day, and were given gifts by Their Majesties.

Approximately 250 gentles attended the event.

Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla won the A&S competition.

14 newcomers received mugs.

Master Andrixos Seljukroctonis sang a song of praise for the Founders of Calontir.

Andrixos Special Court Presentation[edit | edit source]

Last night in Court I made a presentation in Court at the request of Their Majesties.

Twenty-two years ago this weekend, at Crown Tournament in the Reign of Fernando and Lyriel, I was asked to write Calon Law for the first and only time.

XIX.200 - The first Saturday of December shall be known as the Feast Day of the Founders, and shall serve to honor those whose actions fostered the growth of the kingdom.

Shifting calendars and the Sport of Kings conspired so that Crown Tournament has not occurred again on this weekend from that day until this. The most prominent kingdom event held this weekend has been Heralds’ and Scribes’ Symposia in the College of Bellewoode. Thus, the Kingdom never built a practice of celebrating the Feast Day of the Founders.

Today, we remedy that oversight. Their Majesties asked me to commemorate it here in my style. While there are many more Founders worthy of mention, I know time in court is precious, so I include only four. More verses will follow.

The lyrics and melody will soon be appearing on CalonSong.

My thanks to Their Majesties for inspiring the creation of this work.

Other Highlights:[edit | edit source]

  • As the semifinal round was about to begin, His Majesty strode to the middle of Honor’s Field and proclaimed that the fights that were about to begin consisted entirely of fighters of the Second Generation of the SCA.

Feast Menu[edit | edit source]

First Remove, etc.

Photos & Videos:[edit | edit source]

Comments and Impressions:[edit | edit source]

  • Insert here

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